Palomar Mountain, San Diego County, California
A World Wide Web site for the entire mountain community,
conducted by Michael Pique.
Serving Palomar Mountain Residents and Visitors Since the Twentieth
Fire Dept.
For Sale
Real Estate
Bonnie Phelps' site
The Covingtons' site
PalomarSummit site
PalomarMountain.org site
A spectacular Palomar Mountain Panorama by local photographer James-Joseph.
Web Sites for Fire-safe landscaping
Maureen Gilmer's
"Living With Wildfire: Useful emergency tips,
defensible landscaping, architectural design,
and all about fire in the natural environment"
site at
Defensible Space Landscaping: Fire Performance ratings of landscape plants,
If you need a reminder, or have forgotten the
"small La Jolla reservation fire"
just a few years ago,
take another look at the photos.
- Mike Pique
Past Events
August 2002: PMVFD Barbecue, raffle, and craft fair photos
June 7, 2002:
Palomar Mountain School benefit chicken dinner
May 25, 2002:
PMPO Pancake Breakfast
May 4, 2002:
Lodge Party celebrating the March 9, 2002
Palomar Mountain School benefit Pie Auction and Square Dance
March 9, 2002:
Palomar Mountain School benefit Pie Auction and Square Dance
February 2002:
Photos by Bonnie Phelps of Valentine's Day party at the Lodge
October 2001: George Ravenscroft's Indian Summer Fiesta photos
September 2001: PMVFD Barbecue, raffle, and craft fair photos
June 2001: Dedication of new fire engine
May 2001: PMPO Pancake Breakfast
Winter 2001: a photo album
Fall 2000: a few snapshots of fall colors
September 2000 PMVFD Barbecue and Firefighter Appreciation Dinner
August 2000 Gregory Pacheco Memorial dedication
July 2000 PMVFD Chili Cookoff
May 2000 PMPO Pancake Breakfast
1999 Christmas holidays and New Years 2000
1999 Indian Summer Fiesta hosted by George Ravenscroft
The October 1999 fire: an archive of
official press releases, narrative history,
and about 250 pictures.
September 1999 PMVFD Barbecue
July 1999 PMVFD Chili Cookoff
May 1999 PMPO Pancake Breakfast
September 1998 PMVFD Barbecue
Community Issues
Year 2020 General Plan update
The San Diego County General Plan
for the year 2020 is already far along,
but there's still time for your comments and concerns. The plan will control
land parcel sizes and uses for the whole county.
A General Plan is a statement of goals and policies that guide the long-range
physical development of the County and all communities. It determines the
development of the County and its population distribution in both the near
and distant future, and the size, form and character of the County. It
designates land for residential, commercial, industrial, open space and other
uses. It also identifies sizes and locations for community facilities like
parks, schools and roads. For more information about the 2020 plan, see
The Community:
Palomar Observatory
- Where to eat, where to shop, where to stay on Palomar Mountain:
The Palomar Summit site: (general
information for Palomar Mountain, including a webcam)
The Palomar Mountain General Store and Trading Company
Mother's Kitchen Restaurant
Bailey's Palomar Resort: -
- Camping, Cabins, Lodging, & Events
Oak Knoll Campground (760) 742-3437
The Henshaw Grill, 5 minutes southeast of Palomar Mountain
on Highway 76, (760) 782-2729; Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner,
Sunday - Thursday 7 AM to 7 PM,
Friday and Saturday 7 AM to 8 PM.
Outdoor Opportunities - parks, camping, hiking, bicycling
List of vacation cabins and other rentals,
Bailey's grand vacation
home and a delightful
Palomar Christian Conference
Center web site
- The Palomar Mountain Community Church web site
- The Palomar Outdoor School
- The Yoga Center
- The Palomar Mountain Fire Department (PMFD).
- The Palomar Mountain Mutual Water Company (www.palomarmountainwater.com). Contact information,
rate and fee info and the company bylaws.
This is a good resource for prospective property buyers.
- The Palomar Mountain
Planning Organization (PMPO).
PMPO minutes since 1994 are now on-line.
Next meeting September 3, 2016,
10:00 AM at the Palomar Mountain Fire Station - all welcome.
- The Palomar Amateur Radio Club. PO Box 73, Vista CA 92085.
- The Palomar
Mountain 'Yellow Pages', conducted by Bonnie Phelps
Palomar Mountain items for sale, or for FREE, and items wanted.
- Palomar Mountain job opportunities.
- Palomar Mountain services available:
general contractors, tree trimming &
firewood delivery, propane, piano lessons, cabin-sitting, ...
Cabins for rent (and wanted to rent) on Palomar Mountain
Palomar Mountain Real Estate and Business Opportunities
- Article about Palomar Mountain, Winter 2006 Subaru Drive Magazine.
- Links to a series of five articles
by David Ross
from the Valley [Center] Roadrunner
about Nate Harrison and
his Palomar Mountain road.
Congratulations to Mr. Ross, who won a 'First Place in a Series Award' for
these articles at the Society of Professional Journalists in June 2000.
Subscribe to the Roadrunner by phoning (760) 749-1112 or
- Palomar Mountain History - your suggestions and contributions are
needed for this planned section.
Also, there are several volunteers who have an interest in editing a third
Palomar Views.
For those of you who don't know, there are now two volumes of
Palomar Views.
They are fascinating reading covering a lot of the rich
history of the mountain. If you don't have your own copy, books are
currently available from the Fire Department and The Store.
We are looking for new material on the history of the mountain for a third
What information do you have that is tucked away? Would you like to volunteer
to help? Can you give us some tips from experience with the last two that
would make this volume easier? All suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Please e-mail back to
or call Bonnie Phelps at (760) 742-1742.
- Our neighboring community, Pauma Valley.
- The Cleveland National Forest office, (760) 788-0250.
- Burning permits and wildfire-safety walk-arounds
- Fire Maps from California Dept of Forestry
- The
County of San Diego government
web site

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in San Diego, California.