The current (early 2016) PMPO board members are:
The PMPO Bylaws as text prepared from the original legal
document: DRAFT VERSION (downloadable PDF, 100 KB).
The PMPO Bylaws as scanned images of the original legal document, each page is about 3 megabytes):
Presentation on 2007 Poomacha Fire Questions and Excessive Burn Issues.
Background on Crestline Antenna issue.
The data we have only goes back to 1988, so all service years are capped starting then (Bruce Graves, this means you).
Board Member Start End Years Service Service Total Adam, Bruce 1990 1991 2 Bailey, Doris 1988 1992 5 Bailey, Terri term#1 1988 2004 17 Bailey, Terri term#2 2008 2010 2 Bauer, Debbie & Karl 1997 2001 5 Beer, Heather 2008 ---- 3 current Beishline, Katie 1988 1994 7 Billups J & Clark S 2001 2001 1 Borland, Glenn 2008 ---- 2 current, & Cecilia Burton, Tom 1988 2008 20 Carlyle, Robert 1993 ---- 17 current Carpenter, Ray 1988 1990 3 Clark, Halsey 1992 1995 4 Clark, Steve term#1 2001 2001 1 Clark, Steve term#2 2010 ---- 1 current Chesney, Mike 2009 ---- 2 current Darrough, Clarence 1989 1994 6 Day, Richard 1988 1991 4 Day, Russ 1999 2002 4 Dixon, Tracy 2002 2007 5 Dose, Donna 1995 ---- 15 current Evangelou, George 2010 ---- 1 current Graves, Bruce 1988 ---- 22 current Hamerly, Jim 2004 2008 5 Hawk, Rob 2005 2009 5 Humanson, Susan 1995 2010 15 Johnson, Jerry 2007 2008 1 Jones, Pat 2002 2003 2 Kardel, Scott 2004 2010 6 Ladwig,Bob 1988 1992 5 Litchfield, Bob 1988 1994 7 Litchfield, Russ 1989 1991 3 Lande, Doug 2010 ---- 1 current Lucia, George 2010 ---- 1 current Lythgoe, Cindy 1990 1992 3 & Mary Johnson Meyer, Bill 1992 1994 3 Miller, Elliot 2000 2005 6 Moriarty, John & Nancy 1993 1995 3 Norton, Dale 2003 2004 2 Norvall, Jack 1996 2006 11 O'Neill, Bob 2006 2010 4 Phelps, Bonnie 2001 2009 9 Pique, Mike 1994 ---- 16 current Ravenscroft, George 1998 2000 3 Ravenscroft, Carol 1994 1997 4 Serry, Alan term#1 2003 2003 1 Serry, Alan term#2 2007 ---- 2 current Sterner, Robert 1998 2002 5 Tainer, John 1993 ---- 16 current & Elizabeth Getzoff Thicksten, Bob 1988 2000 13 Thorne, Linda 2009 ---- 1 current Trygstad, Carl 1989 1991 5 also 1988-1989 & Maria Huntsman Vargas, Martha 2009 2011 1 Walls, Earl 2005 2009 5 Walsh, Michael 2011 ---- 1 current Warner, Sam 1991 1992 2 Weeks, Joe 1993 1999 7