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Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Minutes, 6/11/1994 Board Meeting minutes
Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
June 11, 1994
Board Members Present:
Thomas Burton, Robert Carlyle, Clarence
Darrough, Thomas Fortney, Elizabeth Getzoff (alternate), Bruce Graves,
Bill Meyer, John Moriarty, Nancy Moriarty (alternate), John Tainer,
Robert Thicksten.
Treasurer's Report:
Secretary's Report:
Bailey Meadows:
Bill Meyer reported that the Bailey Meadows
development plans have been revised, reducing the number of dwellings
from eight to six, located at the front of the parcel.
Future Meeting Dates:
August 20, 1994 (prior to Labor Day
festivities); November 19, 1994; February 18, 1995; April 15, 1995; May
27, 1995 (Annual Meeting).
Annual Newsletter:
Bruce Graves and Bill Meyer have
volunteered to produce next year's annual newsletter.
Mendenhall Ranch Water Project:
Bob Thicksten received and
distributed information on the Vista Irrigation District and City of
Escondido Mendenhall Ranch Project, including notification of a Public
Consultation/Planning Meeting scheduled for Thursday June 16, 1994.
Bob Thicksten made a motion, seconded by Tom Burton and approved, that
we get in touch with Brian Mooney and Associates to see if Brian will
represent us at this meeting.
Tom Burton made a motion, seconded by John Tainer and approved, that
the PMPO allocate $1500 towards the costs of representation by Brian
Mooney and Associates.
Ray Carpenter proposed that we write our concerns down and get Brian
Mooney to package it into an official letter.
Light pollution 100 times more water use than present No public
participation What protections for Palomar area? Dewatering
Earthquake Historical precedents Damage to streambed Riparian damage
Impact from test Impacts difficult to assess and associate Biological
and other environmental impacts Existing commercial and private use
Mining vs. collecting What prevents similar projects? Drainage area
20,000 acres, ranch only 426 acres
Water Committee:
Tom Burton, Bob Thicksten, Bob Carlyle, John
and Nancy Moriarty, and Mike Pique will make up the new Water
Committee. Bill Meyer will ask George Ravenscroft if he is also
willing to serve on this committee. Tom Burton will chair the Water
Committe, and Bob Thicksten will be Vice Chair. Tom Burton will
contact Brian Mooney Associates to have Brian Mooney attend the
meeting. A motion was passed that if Brian Mooney is unable to
represent us, Tom will contact someone else. The Water Committee will
meet immediately following the PMPO meeting. They will post an
information-only poster today giving the time, date, and location on
the Public Consultation/Planning Meeting for the Vista Irrigation
District and City of Escondido Mendenhall Ranch Project.
Jeff Weisgerber:
Jeff Weisgerber was introduced. He is
responsible for the old fire station building. He lives on Bailey
Meadow Road, and can be contacted by phone at 742-1511.
Mailing List:
Ray Carpenter will try to arrange to get the
PMPO's mailing list from Judy Ellerby.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:32 AM.
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