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Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Minutes, 5/27/1995 Annual General Meeting minutes
Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Annual
Meeting Saturday, May 27, 1995 at the Palomar Mountain Fire
Board Members Present:
Terri Bailey, Thomas Burton, Robert
Carlyle, Halcie Clark, Russ Day, Elizabeth Getzoff (alternate), Bruce
Graves, John Moriarity, Michael Pique, John Tainer, Robert Thicksten.
The annual public PMPO meeting was convened at 2:10 P.M. Saturday May
Carol Ravenscroft announced a pancake
breakfast, poetry reading, and bake sale to be held at the firehouse at
9 A.M. Saturday June 10th, to raise funds for science labs, field trips
and the yearbook for the kindergarten through 8th grade school.
Secretary's Report:
The minutes from the 1994 annual meeting
were approved.
Treasurer's Report:
The fundraising letter from the Palomar
Mutual Water Company brought in sizable donations for the PMPO. The
balance reported in the PMPO spring 1995 annual newsletter is $6853.
The treasurer's report was approved.
Palomar Observatory:
Bob Thicksten reported on the
construction and installation of the new telecope, which will work by
infra-red interferometry. The telescope will consist of three mirrors,
separated from each other by more than 100 feet. This telescope will
be capable of seeing planets around nearby stars.
U.S. Forest Service:
Norm Noyes reported that the new
district ranger Jack Banlear had started in the middle of last summer.
Prescribed burns covering 500-2000 acres/year are ongoing, as the fire
load on the forest floor is the greatest in 15-20 years. Improvements
have been made to the facilities at the Crestline campground, the San
Luis Rey Picnic area, the picnic area in Julian, and the Indian Flats
campground. The Forest Service is in the process of reviewing range
allotment permits in light of environmental regulations. Ranger Milt
Williamson will be contacting local residents regarding fire safety
around houses in the upcoming fire season.
Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department (PMVFD):
The Fire
Chief reported the PMFVD expects to finish the floor of the new fire
station before the Labor Day Barbecue. The PMVFD elections will be
held at the barbecue: new board members are needed and the presidency
is up for election. Currently there are 10 volunteer firemen, rather
than the standing number of 13.
Cedar Creek Water Project:
Elizabeth Getzoff reported on the
status of the proposed commercial well development by Mr. Yale to sell
water accumulated by the entire Jeff Valley watershed. The 48-hour
pump test on the well showed direct impacts on both Cedar Creek and on
neighboring wells. Mr. Yale has filed a pre-intake assistance
application with the County. As he plans to apply for a Major Use
Permit, but has not yet done so, no studies on the environmental and
biological consequences of the proposed pumping have been done yet.
John Tainer emphasized the distinction between spring water, which has
a self-limiting flow, and pumped well water, which does not.
Consultant Jerry McLees of Brian Mooney Associates reported on multiple
concerns regarding this project, including groundwater limitations
presented by hydrologist Professor David Huntley, damaging biological
effects, tree cutting, precedent-setting use of water beyond the share
appropriate for the size of the parcel, and limitations to neighboring
property owners to realize the full potential of their land.
Antennas on Crestline:
Jerry McLees reported on the major use
permit modification requested by the Relay Engineering Company to
increase the height of their 35-foot existing antenna by 100 feet.
This antenna is located outside of the antenna farm zoning area. Don
Ramer represented Relay Engineering. A lengthy discussion on the
antenna tower ensued, with the participants predominantly in opposition
to the proposed height increase. Topics included the visual impacts of
the new tower, interference with amateur radio operations, regulations
and risks regarding falling of antenna towers, technical and economic
limitations of different means of expansion, and the process initiated
by the PMPO by which the current zoning regulations were achieved by
past discussions involving antenna providers, Palomar residents and the
County Department of Planning and Land Use.
Election of PMPO Board Members:
Russ Day announced that there
are five open seats on the PMPO Board. The three incumbents running
for re-election, Tom Burton, Russ Day, and Bruce Graves gave short
statements concerning their past roles in the PMPO. Nominations were
made from the floor for Carol Ravenscroft, who accepted, and Cliff
Ellerby, who declined. Susan Humason volunteered to run also. After
statements by these nominees, the motion to elect current board members
Tom Burton, Russ Day, and Bruce Graves, and new nominees Carol
Ravenscroft and Susan Humason was accepted by acclamation.
The meeting was adjourned at 3:20 P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
Elizabeth D. Getzoff, Secretary
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