The PMPO Board meeting was convened at 10:00 A.M. Saturday August 19,1995.
Jerry McLees of Brian F. Mooney Associates presented a letter providing the PMPO an update on the status of his company's work on behalf of PMPO, regarding AirTouch Cellular, Relay Engineering, and Yale Well.
George Ravenscroft noted that the Memorandum's calculations neglected to include potential water use by the part of the Indian Reservation within Jeff Valley.
John Tainer reported that both Mr. Roff and Dr. David Huntley said it was unusual for one person to lay claim to an entire watershed.
Mr. McLees said that under the County General Plan a parcel's allocation of watershed withdrawals would be determined by its percentage of the watershed's acreage.
Michael Pique emphasized that the Memorandum's recharge calculation is not a basin aquifer net gain estimate because it does not include natural aquifer groundwater discharge.
George Ravenscroft questioned the Memorandum's assumption that the basin's ground water would be uniformly available for withdrawal from any location.
General agreement was reached of the need to be assured that the pumping be regulated by monitoring of Cedar Creek's stream flow as well as neighboring wells' water levels.
Mr. McLees summarized the Major Use permitting process. First, the applicant submits a Pre-Intake Assistance Application, followed within a month by a non-announced but ostensibly public meeting. Then the County writes a letter outlining the major planning and environmental issues the Applicant must address. Two to three months later the Applicant files a Major Use Permit application, which undergoes Environmental Document Review and revisions by the Applicant's environmental consultants. Only at that stage is there a public review period, and a public hearing before the Planning Commission.
The PMPO authorized $500 to pay Dr. Huntley to review the Memorandum and give the PMPO his analysis and recommendations. (This letter was sent on September 2, 1995).
Terri Bailey will ask Katie Beishline, a former owner and resident, for her historical observations of Cedar Creek stream flow.
The meeting was adjourned.
Elizabeth D. Getzoff, Secretary.