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Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Minutes, 2/17/1996 Board Meeting minutes

Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting February 17, 1996

Board Members Present:

Terri Bailey, Thomas Burton, Robert Carlyle, Halcie Clark, Russ Day, Donna Dose, Elizabeth Getzoff (alternate), Bruce Graves, Susan Humason, John Moriarity, Michael Pique, Joseph Weeks.

The PMPO Board meeting was convened at 10:10 A.M. February 17,1996. The minutes of the November 18. 1995 meeting were approved. The treasurer, Halcie Clark, reported a current balance of $8759.93.


Cedar Creek Water Development:

Bruce Graves has talked to Jerry McLees, who reported no new action on the Yale project. Doug Roff has been monitoring well level and usage and, with George Ravenscroft's help, the stream flow in Cedar Creek.

Visit by County Supervisor Horne:

Through Brian Mooney, Tom Burton has been arranging for a visit by County Supervisor Horne to meet with the PMPO, probably in mid-march. Mr. Horne wants to meet with the PMPO, but not for an issue-specific meeting. We will plan to include a tour of the Observatory, water sites, antenna sites, and major residential areas.

Relay Engineering Major Use Permit:

Bruce Graves reported that Relay Engineering is continuing to pursue their tower extension proposal. They have visited the Pauma Valley Sponsor Group, who will make an official recommendation to the County. Bruce attends meetings of the Pauma Valley Sponsor Group.

Implementation of the Forest Conservation Initiative:

Jerry McLees suggested that we look into the implementation of the voter-approved Forest Conservation Initiative by the Department of Planning and Land Use. Tom Burton will look this over.


Annual Meeting:

Five 3-year positions on the 15-member PMPO Board will be open for election at the annual meeting, scheduled for Saturday, May 25th, 1996, starting at 11:00 AM. Terms for the following members of the Board will be expiring: Robert Thicksten, Robert Carlyle, Halcie Clark, John Moriarity (and Nancy Moriarity), and John Tainer (and Libby Getzoff). Robert Carlyle volunteered to run the election. The agenda for the last Annual Meeting included presentations on the State Park, the US Forest Service, the Fire Department, the Palomar Observatory, Cedar Creek, and the Crestline antenna towers. Russ Day will talk to Susan at the State Park, to see if they are interested in a presentation this year.

Pancake Breakfast:

Different plans for the pancake breakfast scheduled immediately prior to the Annual Meeting were discussed, and the decision was made to accept Rick Healy's offer to volunteer the facilities at the Lodge. Terri Bailey, Donna Dose, and Susan Humason volunteered to organize the pancake breakfast, with help from Carol Ravenscroft, if she agrees.

Annual Newsletter:

Plans were set up for the Newsletter. Russ Day will help Bruce get it ready, Bill Meyer will help with the formatting, Susan Humason has the disks from Bill, and Terry Bailey will talk to Bill about photographs. Articles for the newsletter need to be turned in by April 6. The following articles were volunteered:

Elizabeth Getzoff and John Tainer - Cedar Creek

Terri Bailey - Pancake Breakfast

Bruce Graves - Crestline antennas; Election of Board Members

Halcie Clark - Financial report; Mutual Water Co, Telemetry

Thomas Burton - Bailey Meadows

Russ Day - Facilities on Mt: lodge, summit, conference center

George Ravenscroft - Accomplishments of PMPO

Susan Humason - Fire Dept announcements, if any

The meeting was adjourned at 11:10 AM.

Elizabeth D. Getzoff, Secretary.

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