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Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Minutes, 5/25/1996 Annual General Meeting minutes

Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization 1996 Annual Meeting

Saturday, May 25, 1996 at the Palomar Mountain Lodge

Board Members Present:

Terri Bailey, Robert Carlyle, Halcie Clark, Russ Day, Donna Dose, Thomas Fortney, Elizabeth Getzoff (alternate), Bruce Graves, Susan Humason, John Moriarity, Nancy Moriarity (alternate), Michael Pique, Carol Ravenscroft, John Tainer, Robert Thicksten, Joseph Weeks.

The annual public PMPO meeting was convened at 11:10 A.M. Saturday May 25, 1996. The Chair Bruce Graves thanked the Palomar Mountain Lodge and Joe Weeks for hosting the Pancake Breakfast and Annual Meeting.

Secretary's Report:

The minutes from the 1995 annual meeting were approved.

Treasurer's Report:

As reported in the PMPO spring 1996 annual newsletter, we began the fiscal year with $9,032.04. Our expenses were $2,845.11 for consulting fees, $45.00 postal charges, $62.00 for agendas of the County Supervisors' meetings. The total donations from our members came to $2,715.00, about $200 short of meeting our expenses, leaving us with a balance of $8,759.93. The treasurer's report was approved.

Antennas on Crestline:

Jerry McLees of Brian Mooney Associates reported on the major use permit modification requested by the El Centro firm, Relay Engineering, to increase the height of their 35-foot existing antenna by 100 feet. This antenna is located outside of the antenna farm zoning area. The PMPO generally believes an Environmental Impact Report should be required including visual impacts of the new tower, regulations and risks regarding falling of antenna towers, and technical and economic limitations of different means of expansion.

Cedar Creek Water Project:

Jerry McLees reported on the status of William Yale's proposed commercial development along the East Grade Road to pump and sell well water. Mr. Yale proposes to pump, from his 7 acre parcel, about 48 acre-feet per year accumulated by the 570-acre Jeff Valley watershed. This is the equivalent of 14 dwellings per acre in water extraction, a possibly precedent-setting taking of water resources.

Although Mr. Yale plans to apply for a Major Use Permit, but has not yet done so, no studies on the environmental and biological consequences of the proposed pumping have yet been done. A September 1993 48-hour pump test on the well showed direct impacts on both Cedar Creek and on neighboring wells. The PMPO has asked that Mr. Yale's consultant look at the biological and long-term hydrological consequences of Cedar Creek drawdown, the traffic safety issues caused by limited flat area and sharp curves at the site, and the pollution and noise impact from the diesel generator planned for high-speed pumping of the water into waiting tanker trucks. John Tainer pointed out that harm to the mountain's plants and wildlife would come during dry years and seasons even if plans and water budgets based on mathematical "average" conditions suggested safety.

Palomar Mountain State Park:

Susan Grove described her joy at completing her first year as a Palomar Park ranger; over her 12-year ranger career, she declared Palomar to be the most beautiful place of all. She reported 31 campsites open, with hot showers and flushing toilets, and credited colleagues David Roberts and Jeff Madison with keeping it all going for the 65,000 visitors last year. A 20-person National Civilian Community Corps team spent six weeks repairing and improving trails, especially the Chimney Flats Trail. A goal for this year is re-opening the road to the Boucher Hill fire lookout. She reminded residents of the Interpretive Programs from Memorial Day until Labor Day, and of the Junior Ranger program weekend mornings.

U.S. Forest Service:

Norm Noyes reported that they now have seven fire engines and a helicopter. Their budget was reduced significantly at the beginning of the year. Fuel measurements show we are in a critical fire situation and Mr. Noyes urged residents to clear around homes and other structures.

Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department (PMVFD):

Fire Chief Scott Dreisman reported the PMVFD has paid off the station property. Soon they expect to finish the concrete floor, purchase a reservoir site, and re-do their well. This year's plans include erecting a flagpole and generally improving the site for the Labor Day barbecue. Currently there are 13 volunteer firemen, which is working out well, with 2 rescue vehicles, 2 pumpers, 1 water tender, and 1 brush truck. They handle 75-80 calls per year, most of them vehicle accidents, with most of those being motorcycles. He urged residents needing help to call 911, they are on call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Palomar Observatory:

Bob Thicksten described this as an exciting era for astronomers, and for Palomar, that even with six large telescopes under construction around the world, the Palomar Observatory's 200-inch Hale Telescope is still overbooked by a factor of four. The interferometer telescope described last year is proceeding with results far exceeding expectations, with resolution allowing seeing detail equivalent to a 100-meter telescope. The instrument combines light from two, soon to be three, separate mirrors and will eventually lead to large space-based telescopes.

Election of PMPO Board Members:

The Chair announced that there are five open seats on the PMPO Board, with John and Nancy Moriarity declining to run for re-election. A nomination was made from the floor for Jack Norvall, who accepted. The four incumbents running for re-election were Bob Thicksten, Robert Carlyle, Halcie Clark, and John Tainer. After statements by these nominees, the motion to elect them to terms extending to May 1999 was accepted by acclamation. The other board members' terms are: Joseph Weeks, Tom Fortney, Michael Pique, Terri Bailey, Carol Ravenscroft (terms expiring May 1997), and: Bruce Graves, Donna Dose, Tom Burton, Russ Day, and Susan Humason (terms expiring May 1998).

The meeting was adjourned at 12:35 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,

Elizabeth D. Getzoff, Outgoing Secretary

Michael E. Pique, Incoming Secretary

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