Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
April 10, 1999
Thomas Burton, Debbie Bauer, Karl Bauer (alternate), Robert Carlyle, Russ Day, Donna Dose, Elizabeth Getzoff (alternate), Bruce Graves, Susan Humason, Jack Norvall, Michael Pique, Joseph Weeks.
The PMPO Board meeting was convened 10:20 A.M. April 10, 1999, at the Palomar Christian Conference Center.
The minutes of the February 20, 1999, meeting were distributed and approved.
The treasurer, Debbie Bauer, reported our current assets as $9,746.39 in bank account and $5,000 on retainer to Hatch & Parent attorneys. So far, we have paid $4,575 to the Forest Preservation Society of Southern California for help on the dual-government survey problem. We have good records on this but still need some memos for file from Bruce Graves documenting specifically what some of the checks were for. None of the $2,000 allocated for surveying has been spent. Expenses since February 1999 have been $10 for California non-profit organization registration. The PMPO bank account is not interest-bearing and the treasurer was authorized to move funds to an MMA or to bring information about alternatives to the next meeting.
Steve Ewert of the PCCC brought the PMPO up-to-date on the PCCC's expansion and modernization. Final plans are ready to be submitted to the County soon, as an amendment to their special use permit. A new ``Western Town'' horse camp will be built on Strawberry Flats, a 10-minute walk from the office area. It will house 90 children in dormitories built with an old west facade. The main dining room will expand, a gym will replace quonset huts, three new houses for resident staff will be built, and a new chapel constructed looking out over the canyon to the coast.
No activity by Mr. Yale was known; Jerry McLees is watching. Elizabeth Getzoff will phone John Peterson, the county hydrologist, Monday for news.
David James, Chair of the Forest Preservation Society of Southern California, is working on drafting and filing a `complaint' with BLM but it isn't ready yet. The complaint would be filed by members of the FPSSC, which includes the PMPO Board.
Jack met with County Supervisor Bill Horn, who designated his policy adviser assistant Duane Dichiara (531-5555, ddichibs@co.san-diego.ca.us) to meet with Russ Hunt of Mooney & Associates and with the Planning Commission to prepare the way for Crestline subdivision declaration.
Russ Day asked if we know what survey research will cost and how long it will take. Jack said we do not yet know.
The Annual Meeting will again be held at the Lodge accompanied by a pancake breakfast, Saturday May 29, 1999 (Memorial Day weekend). County Supervisor Bill Horn will be the special guest speaker. Donna Dose is organizing the breakfast. Susan Humason presented a draft of the newsletter, to be mailed the first week of May. We have about 700 names on our mailing list now.
The PMVFD received $20,851 last year from the (county-wide) property taxes, but of that $13,000 is automatically encumbered leaving only about $7,000 for clothing, fuel, and training. Moreover, even with the $128,000 1999 grant funds, they still have mostly 20 and 40 year old equipment. The fall barbecue has become onerous on the people running it year after year and a new fund-raising strategy is needed. Karl would like PMPO help in organizing meetings on how to raise funds and what they are for. The first one is planned for May 15.
The next scheduled board meeting is May 29, 1999, at the Lodge immediately following the Annual Meeting.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:08 P.M.
Michael E. Pique, Secretary.