Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
November 18, 2000
Thomas Burton, Steve Clark, Russ Day, Donna Dose, Elizabeth Getzoff (alternate), Bruce Graves, Susan Humason, Jack Norvall, Michael Pique, Robert Sterner. and guests George Ravenscroft and Lou Whyte.
The PMPO Board meeting was convened 10:14 A.M. November 18, 2000, at the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department.
The minutes of the May 27, 2000, meeting were distributed and approved.
The treasurer's report was presented; donations have been $220, and expenses $26.96 for the breakfast, $24 for P.O. box rental, and $235.28 for water gauges. Our current assets stand as $22,345.72 in the bank account. The report was approved.
Elizabeth Getzoff reported that the County of San Diego issued the ``Notice of Preparation'' (NOP) of Mr. Yale's Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and many Palomar Mountain residents wrote letters and comments pointing out additional items to be included. The County responded and instructed Mr. Yale to prepare a draft EIR addressing those issues by December 6, 2000, which, however, is not enough time for any new water drawdown studies. The County will review the draft EIR and release it for public comment, possibly months later. Although the County response says that the hydrology studies were ``already reviewed", George Ravenscroft pointed out that almost all of them have been challenged on technical grounds by him and/or by the PMPO. George believes Peterson should expect the community to insist upon adequate water and biology studies. Bruce Graves reported that PMPO consultant Jerry McLees says issues will be the stacking of trucks at the proposed load station, the bad weather often encountered there, the grading required, and the tree removal, not so much the hydrology. The PMPO did send a letter on October 5, 2000, to Peterson reminding him of the need for a new hydrological investigation and biology review, responding to our comments sent in the summer.
The county is working on its year 2020 general plan update, with the next meeting November 27, mostly discussing a glossary of planning terms. Tom Burton is still very concerned about the Summit down-zoning.
The PMPO sent a letter on October 2, 2000, to Al Wright, the BLM state director, detailing cases and survey history. Jack Norvall says our approach should be that the federal government, through the Whittaker survey, violated the ``rights of the entrymen" even if it was a technically correct dependent resurvey. Because the 1894 Ward survey was the first subdivision after the granting of the original land patent, the Ward lines should stand. A meeting with the BLM surveyor Jack Rabedew is scheduled for November 21 at the US Forest Service office in Rancho Bernardo to discuss the PMPO letter and the rights of the entrymen.
Lou Whyte noted that the Palomar Mountain Mutual Water Company was incorporated in 1925 and has maps of the incorporation area. Jack Norvall will examine them.
Bruce Graves reported that Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department (PMVFD) Board President Gretchen Spenser notified him that the PMPO could no longer meet in the PMVFD Community Center. The PMVFD board met with the public last week: the board is worried about liability and permits for the Center. Upgrading the Center to current code compliance would require a Major Use Permit, paved parking lot, restroom improvements, etc. A minor use permit for the fire station itself would be much easier and still allow the Center to be used three times per month by community groups. Steve Clark suggested working with the insurance company on risk management and with the county on permits. The PMPO board resolved in support of the PMVFD board's efforts to obtain a minor use permit and to obtain insurance coverage to limit liability to the Fire Department and its board members while maintaining community usage of the facilities.
Lou Whyte reported the Mutual Water Company will be proposing a ballot measure to its shareholders to sell an additional 16 water shares (up the licensed limit of 303) for $8,600 each.
The next scheduled board meetings are:
February 24, 2001
May 26, 2001 (Annual Meeting).
The meeting was adjourned at 11:48 A.M.
Michael E. Pique, Secretary.