Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
April 3, 2004
Terri Bailey, Robert Carlyle, Tracy Dixon, Donna Dose, Bruce Graves, Susan Humason, Pat Jones, Elliot Miller, Dale Norton, Michael Pique, Alan Serry.
The PMPO Board meeting was convened 10:04 A.M. April 3,2004, at the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department. The minutes of the January 10, 2004, board meeting were distributed and approved with the correction of Shana, not Sharon, Ackerman. The treasurer, Tracy Dixon, reported no income or expenditures, ending bank balance was $32,311.00. The report was approved.
Earl Walls met with Tom Burton and Bruce Graves and discussed incorporation of the Community Center of Palomar Mountain (CCPM) as a 501(c)4, similar to a 501(c)3 but with some advantages for its purpose. Earl has draft copies to send to Tom for review, needs to check on statement of the purpose of the organization, and on its definition of ``Palomar Mountain''. The draft definition is north of highway 76, between county roads 6 and 7, and accessed therefrom, which excludes Pauma and the La Jolla Indian Reservation. Earl suggests a membership fee. It was noted that the PMPO has commited $1500 for startup expenses.
The CCPM has a post office box (91), but needs to incorporate before it can pursue grant applications. Earl is aiming for October 2004 deadlines, following Shelter Valley examples, possibly 100% materials grant funding with volunteer labor. Earl has proposed an interim board be composed of five people. Earl hopes to get an easement on property adjacent to the planned site, near the PMVFD barbecue pit, to help with setbacks along the Summit Circle campground access road.
Michael Pique reported he and Jack Norvall had met with Robert Haase and are still hammering out what should go into the letter to the federal Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and the U.S. Forest Service.
Elliot Miller may help ask the Jameson family for permission to walk the old roads in Jeff Valley, and Dale Norton offered to help. Mike Pique said this would be a great assistance to the PMPO's efforts.
Bruce Graves reported Tom Burton has talked to Jerry McLees, who is keeping watch at the County offices on our behalf. Jerry says the planners are pretty much starting over in light of the March ballot defeat of Proposition A. Alan Serry pointed out that the county staff have a new map that we should check. Susan Humason said Tom sent an article for the May PMPO newsletter.
Susan Humason says the 2004 newsletter will probably be 8 pages, the 2003 one was 12 pages. The annual meeting will again be held at the Lodge, thanks to Dale and Angelique Norton, with Donna Dose in charge of arrangements. The board approved renting a tent for shelter on the Lodge patio, about $40.
The PMPO, County Supervisor Bill Horn, and County Groundwater Geologist Murray Wunderly received an anonymous letter expressing concern that wells were going dry, and that some tanker trucks purportedly carrying spring water may be in fact carrying well water. The letter asked the PMPO to investigate with mountain spring water exporters. Michael Pique suggested that this be discussed at the first full board meeting after the annual meeting, probably in July. He believes the agency responsible for spring water classification is a state agency, not a county one.
Alan Serry says the change of the CHP office from Temecula to Oceanside did occur, but to no noticeable effect on the motorcycle safety on Palomar Mountain. A CHP officer has offered to meet with residents. Alan has recruited four volunteers to press the enforcement issue.
A newsletter folding and stamping working party will be held at Bruce & Lola Graves on April 24. The annual meeting and pancake breakfast will be May 29, 2004, followed by a short board meeting that afternoon.
The meeting was adjourned at about 11:50 P.M.
Michael E. Pique, Secretary.