Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
July 16, 2005
Thomas Burton, Robert Carlyle, Tracy Dixon, Donna Dose, Elizabeth Getzoff (alternate), Bruce Graves, Jim Hamerly, Rob Hawk, Susan Humason, Scott Kardel, Elliot Miller, Jack Norvall, Bonnie Phelps, Michael Pique, John Tainer.
About 8 members attended as well.
The PMPO Board meeting was convened 10:02 A.M. July 16, 2005, at the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department. The minutes of the April 9 and May 28, 2005, board meeting were distributed with discussion and approval deferred to the next meeting. The treasurer, Tracy Dixon, reported expenses of $420 for newsletter postage, $735.44 for newsletter printing, $171.54 for breakfast supplies, and $257.95 for breakfast food, for total expenses of $1584.93. Income was $7021.07 from donations and $629.00 from the pancake breakfast. Our beginning bank balance was $31,789.59 and ending bank balance was $37,854.73. The report was approved.
Jack Norvall reported that Bob Haase has written a new draft letter presenting our case to the Bureau of Land Management and the US Forest Service. Jack and Michael Pique will meet with Haase to discuss and revise it.
Tom Burton says there was a meeting about roads and traffic densities on April 20; otherwise nothing new to report.
Earl Walls has posted new draft plans at the PMVFD firehouse. The new plan is for a 2-story steel structure with one floor for the PMVFD and one for the CCPM. The CCPM and PMVFD boards are meeting jointly now and intend to submit a grant application in September or October 2005.
Elizabeth Getzoff reported that the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA) in Sacramento has issued a ``Finding of no significant impact'' (FONSI) on former judge William Yale's plan to transfer a land parcel along the East Grade road to the La Jolla Indian Reservation and pump well water down the mountain to the Reservation. In the FONSI, the BIA responded to comments by the PMPO and others to the March 2005 Final Environmental Assessment (FEA) but basically did not change anything. So far, all our valid criticisms were ignored or dealt with superficially.
The letter accompanying the FONSI says that a FONSI cannot be appealed, in that it is not a decision per se. Getzoff telephoned the BIA office [Teresa Draper, (916) 978-6019] and learned that the project now moves to the BIA realty branch and the tribe applies for the land transfer. It is not clear where it goes after that, but Teresa Draper said the transfer could require 1 to 4 years.
John Tainer moved that the PMPO place an inexpensive half-page ad in the Road Runner, with a map or picture, using the $3000 budget authorized at the April 9, 2005, board meeting. The motion was seconded by Donna Dose and approved. He will prepare the ad copy.
Elizabeth Getzoff summarized job assignments: Rob Hawk will investigate encroachment permit; Tom Burton will meet with water rights attorney Susan Trager, especially on the question of effects of well-pumping on the surface waters in Cedar Creek; Getzoff will re-open communications with Senator Feinstein's aide; Bruce Graves will ask PMVFD chief Lucia to write a letter articulating the Fire Department's water concerns.
The next board meeting will be Saturday, October 8, 2005.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:54 A.M.
Michael E. Pique, Secretary.