Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
April 1, 2006
The PMPO Board Meeting was convened at 10:10 AM April 1, 2006 at the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department.
The minutes of the January 15, 2006 Board Meeting, emailed earlier by Michael Pique, were approved. The treasurer's report, provided by Tracy Dixon, was approved.
Tom Burton provided a general overview of our proposed "country town" designation, however there has been no significant progress since our last meeting. The county's General Plan staff has been focused on other (non-Palomar) issues.
Earl Walls provided a general overview of our proposed Community Center, a $1.7M project, and progress made by the Steering Committee. The Committee has five voting members: Tom Burton (Chairman), Robert Carlyle, Scott Kardel, Bonnie Phelps, and Linda Thorne. Interested participants who wish to raise issues should contact one of the Steering Committee members.
Libby Getzoff provided a general overview of the history and recent work to date, and specifically: The FONSI (Finding Of No Significant Impact) approval from the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and the fact that the land transfer application has not yet been filed. Libby, Bruce Graves, Rob Hawk, and a Mr. Gant (representing Mr. Yale) met with the tribe where concerns were raised and issues were addressed. Libby reported that the meeting was useful, and that keeping open channels between the community and tribe may prove very helpful. Major points reported:
-- The tribe is pushing forward with their plan and, although the use for the water has not been disclosed, the tribe did express sensitivity to environmental concerns.
-- The various filings place a gross limit on the amount of water to be pumped, however a submission by a certified hydrologist could extend that amount. The general consensus is that the risk to the Palomar water supply continues.
-- Apparently the tribe will be sending water level data to the Bureau of Indian Affairs office in Riverside once pumping has started, but there will be no historical data on which to base change estimates. Tom Burton reiterated a suggestion from an earlier meeting that there be third party monitoring of local wells to provide historical evidence of water table levels, perhaps paid for by the PMPO. A general discussion ensued.
-- A motion was passed to have Rob Hawk email selective well owners for possible participation in the well-monitoring activity, and have Bruce Graves contact J. P. Bartkowski to provide an estimate of well-monitoring costs. In the upcoming annual PMPO Meeting, a proposal for well monitoring will be made based on Rob and Bruce's findings.
-- Libby mentioned in passing that the tribe may be possible participants in the Palomar School enrollment, she will discuss this possibility in her attempts to contact Levonne Peck of the tribe.
Bruce Graves provided a summary overview of the plans to construct a casino and 500 room hotel on Highway 76, and that the draft Environmental Assessment was being revised based on significant feedback provided by numerous organizations.
Bonnie Phelps reported on Palomar School status. The reduction in student attendance this year has resulted in the Pauma Valley district administration recommending reducing the instruction period to a half-day from a full day for the K-8 grade. The district is attempting to adjust for an approximate $500,000 district shortfall, but the cost/student and break-even enrollment numbers have not been provided so that a case can be made either way. Bonnie reported that local mountain home schoolers have already been approached, but that a more significant increase in enrollment may come in the future from projected new staff at both the Palomar Observatory and Christian Conference Center. A general discussion ensued. A community meeting is planned for this Wednesday night, April 5th, to prepare for the District School Board Meeting scheduled for Thursday evening April 6th.
Tracy Dixon re-iterated the schedule deadlines for the 2006 PMPO Newsletter, being coordinated by Susan Humason, specifically:
April 9th: final deadline for article submission
April 22nd: newsletter proofing
April 29th: newsletter stuffing and mailing
The meeting was adjourned at 11:17 AM.
Jim Hamerly (for Michael Pique)