The annual general PMPO meeting was convened at the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department 11:13 A.M. Saturday May 26, 2007. The Chair, Jim Hamerly, thanked the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department for hosting the Pancake Breakfast and Annual Meeting, Susan Humason for editing and producing the newsletter, and Donna Dose & crew for organizing the breakfast.
The minutes of the May 27, 2006, annual general meeting were distributed and approved with the correction to ``each about 5000 square feet'' in the Community Center section.
As reported in the PMPO spring 2007 annual newsletter, our balance carried forward from December 31, 2005, was $38,166.73. Our 2006 expenses, totaling $1,857.41, were $913.72 for annual newsletter printing, $348.75 for breakfast food and supplies, $379.20 for annual newsletter postage, and $215.74 for general expenses. The total donations came to $3,173.80, giving us an ending balance (Dec 31, 2006) of $39,483.12. The treasurer's report was approved.
Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department (PMVFD) and Community Emergency Response Team (CERT):
Cliff Kellogg reported the PMVFD has 23 active volunteers with 7 having Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) certification. A new six-wheel all-terrain vehicle is in service for very remote rescues. Bill Leininger, Palomar Mountain CERT Coordinator, says classes on putting out small fires, first aid, and basic search & rescue will be starting soon, open to all. CERT participants would help the fire department during an emergency.
Kerri Uglik said to keep working on fuel hazard reduction - ``don't let it all grow back.'' She will be doing some on-site fire clearance inspections but most will be by mail; if you have questions, call her. She warned we will probably lose many oaks this year to the drought. Robert Carlyle says the Fire Safe Council's main activity is helping residents with chipping cleared brush. They did not receive funds from California this year but call him to get on next year's list.
Tom Burton and Earl Walls said that the CCPM is working as a part of the Action Committe on studying real estate, building and site design, and various legal issues pertaining thereto. The PMVFD has received a $50,000 grant to repair the house adjacent to the fire station for use as a community center and to build a breezeway to two manufactured homes, to be put behind (east of) the fire station that would serve as a fire department training room and weekend bunkhouse. Earl says they are taking this action in lieu of holding out for the more than 1.7 million dollars that would be required to construct the proposed two-story building previously put forward.
There is a potential of the US Forest Service park adjacent to the fire department property being made available to the PMVFD, possibly as an ``exchange of land.'' For this purpose, anyone interested in possibly donating land that is adjacent to Forest Service land should contact any board member of the CCPM, PMVFD, or the PMPO.
Alan Serry said response from the Highway Patrol about unsafe motorcyclists continues to be discouraging and frustrating, that enforcement on Palomar Mountain is simply not a priority. Anyone with ideas should call Alan at (760) 742-0444.
The chair welcomed LaVonne Peck of the La Jolla Indian Reservation, which will be doing a joint venture with William Yale and his partners to pump and export well water from Palomar Mountain. She reported that the federal government will, next, accept Mr. Yale's 7-acre East Grade Road parcel into trust for the Reservation. They expect to begin construction of the pipeline and pumping station in fall 2007, weather permitting.
John Tainer said the project's pumping well water from Palomar for export off the mountain was unprecedented and urged the tribe to keep in touch. LaVonne agreed that water is an issue for everyone in the county; her own walnut tree grove is about gone in the worst drought in 90 years. She said the La Jolla Reservation views water as precious and wants to be good stewards, nothing they will do will have a negative effect on water levels.
Once the pumping begins, they will share data on water pumping and well monitoring with the PMPO (Rob Hawk) as they collect it. Rob said he is working on gathering well level data, and has talked to Mr. Gant, the pumping project manager. Rob says the project was approved on the basis of it taking only replaceable water, not mining beyond annual recharge. John Tainer asked how the 7-acre property could have enough recharge for such a project and Rob Hawk said their water will be drawn from the Jeff Valley. While this was not permitted under an earlier San Diego County application, the property is not subject to county jurisdiction now that it is in Federal Trust.
Donna Dose asked if the project would be postponed if the drought continues. LaVonne replied, no, they plan to move forward when the weather is suitable for construction. Tom Burton asked how much of the Palomar water will be used at the casino and hotel. LaVonne replied, none: the Reservation has other wells and many springs that will supply enough water for the casino; the Palomar water pipeline is a separate commercial operation. She added that the project initially intended a bottling plant but have decided they cannot compete with Nestle's and Sparkletts and are now looking at high-end bulk water sales, possibly to the federal government.
Rob Hawk and Bonnie Phelps are starting an effort to secure legal deeded easements to a paved public road for all parcels on Palomar Mountain. After the Julian fire, for example, rebuilding was hampered not only by proof of property lines and setbacks, but legal access questions. Bonnie said the different residential areas on Palomar have different problems; the plan is to work east to west, from Birch Hill to Crestline to Pedley Valley to Bailey's.
Bob O'Neill explained what easements are, which property `benefits' and which property `is burdened', how easements are created and how they are recorded. Doug Lande asked whether the goal is to create new public roads or private easements for neighbors. Bonnie said `private.'
Different title companies have different recorded easements, and a case-by-case settlement would be very difficult. Bonnie, Rob Hawk, and Bruce Graves met with surveyor Lorne Da Pron to discuss ideas on how many parcels could be handled at one time with one set of legal paperwork. Mr. Da Pron estimates cost of desk work for Birch Hill and Crestline to be about $10,000. PMPO Chair Jim Hamerly will call a single-subject meeting for more detailed information and discussions.
Phillips Reed, the owner of the 4.7 acre helicopter pad south of the general store, said the property is not currently of use to him and he is looking for alternate uses, such as for the community safety center, a church, or enlarged fire station. His number is (760) 215-0979.
The Chair announced that the five incumbents whose terms are expiring are: Tom Burton, Donna Dose, Bruce Graves, Susan Humason, and Scott Kardel. There being no other nominations, and all five agreeable to serve, a motion by Robert Carlyle was accepted that the five incumbents be elected for three year terms expiring in 2010. Board members with terms expiring in 2008 are Robert Carlyle, Jim Hamerly, Jerry Johnson, Bonnie Phelps, and John Tainer/Elizabeth Getzoff; expiring in 2009 are Rob Hawk, Bob O'Neill, Michael Pique, Alan Serry, and Earl Walls. The meeting was adjourned at 12:53 PM.
Michael E. Pique, Secretary.