Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
August 18, 2007
Robert Carlyle, Elizabeth Getzoff (alternate), Bruce Graves, Jim Hamerly, Susan Humason, Scott Kardel, Bonnie Phelps, Michael Pique, Alan Serry, John Tainer, Earl Walls.
The PMPO Board Meeting was convened at 10:02 AM August 18, 2007, at the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department. The minutes of the May 27, 2007, Board meeting were approved. Treasurer Alan Serry reported the balance carried forward from March 31, 2007, was $39,483.12. Breakfast revenue was $345.50, interest income was $334.88, donation income was $2,880.00; total income $3,560.38. This included 33 donations received in response to the newsletter appeal. Expenses were $695.63 for newsletter stamps and printing, $407.55 for breakfast food and supplies, $20 for California filing fee; total expenses $1,123.18. The ending balance as of August 18, 2007, was $41,920.32. The treasurer's report was approved.
Scott Kardel reported on status of Pala, Pauma, La Jolla, Rincon, and Santa Ysabel casinos. Pala's planned expansion includes road improvements but we know little more. Pauma has put out a draft EIA (27 July comment deadline) for their expansion which includes an outdoor amphitheater and 3 new wells. Pauma is only 6 miles from the Observatory and is currently advertising using high-power searchlights, in violation of the county lighting ordinance. La Jolla's casino plans appear to be on-hold for now. Santa Ysabel has put in low-impact lighting and, unlike Rincon, has pledged to adhere to the dark skies initiative.
Fire Chief George Lucia says the PMVFD now has 25-30 active members, with 80% on-mountain volunteers, more than ever before, and one paid day-time administrator. Their goal is to guarantee equipment rolling in 30 seconds. The department has answered 15 to 20 calls per month.
Bill Leininger, Palomar Mountain CERT Coordinator, says CERT is putting caches around the mountain of the ``Barricade'' fire retardant that was demonstrated last weekend and will be shown again at the barbecue. The initial caches will be at Bailey's, Birch Hill, Crestline, and the fire station. Applying Barricade requires a water supply with 30 PSI pressure and about 60 gallons of water per gallon of concentrate. Individual homeowners can buy cases at cost ($230 for 4-gallon case) through CERT.
Earl Walls said PMVFD Chief George Lucia received a $50,000 grant to expand the PMVFD house, but it is for materials only and we will need volunteer help to do the work. Earl hopes to afford enough material to modify the house by moving the toilet into the current back bedroom and expanding the kitchen into the former toilet room. Earl has a sketch of Phase II, placement of a modular pre-fab building behind the house. About $30,000 will be needed to install it there, including new electric service. George Lucia said the amphitheater and band stand have been refurbished and will be ready for this year's barbecue.
Alan Serry reported no noticeable improvement in enforcement of motorcyclists, still seeing 3-4 incidents per weekend. CHP Lieutenant O'Lanski says they do what they can but Palomar just doesn't carry much weight. George Lucia says we're looking at ``traffic calmers'' such as orange plastic posts, but installing them must be approved by Cal Trans. He says they receive occasional complaints about water trucks crossing the lines, and roaming cattle, but most are about motorcyclists. The Board agreed with changing the committee name from Motorcycle Safety to Traffic Safety.
Rob Hawk is heading the committee and collecting data on static well levels. Bonnie says Linda Thorne delivered him 5 years of Pedley Valley well data. George Lucia is hoping to get information on amount of water exported from Palomar. Alan Serry said the Palomar Mountain Mutual Water Company and Bruce Graves are starting to measure well recovery rates. Bonnie Phelps said her Round House well off of State Park road went dry last week after 8 years (at least) yielding good water.
Bonnie Phelps says that the Julian fires have shown that lack of legal access easements have proven to be a big obstacle to rebuilding. Work has begun on Birch Hill easements thanks to Glenn and Cecelia Borland who own the former Ackerman home near the northeast corner of Section 14. The ``green road'' from there to Birch Hill road is almost done, costs so far have been $3600, for 9 lots with 7 owners. Next will be the ``blue road'' that goes north from west of the Lodge, connecting Donna Dose's parcel to Crestline. George Lucia asks if we got reciprocal agreement for emergency exit through the Borlands and Greenfield properties to Conifer Road. Bonnie said not yet. George would like to have two ways of escape for every home on Palomar.
Bonnie says the work needs roughly $600 per APN ($250 title company, $50 escrow, $70 recording, $200-$500 lender subordination) plus highly variable survey costs. George Lucia thinks some chance of grant to cover these fees. Bonnie notes that, as part of this work, some homeowners got their ``as-built'' plots corrected in the county records, a good idea and a good time to do this.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:23 AM.
Michael Pique