Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
May 23, 2009
Terri Bailey, Glenn Borland, Cecelia Borland (alternate), Robert Carlyle, Mike Chesney, Elizabeth Getzoff (alternate), Bruce Graves, Susan Humason, Bob O'Neill, Bonnie Phelps, Michael Pique, Alan Serry, John Tainer.
The PMPO Board meeting was convened 2:25 PM May 23, 2009, following the Annual Meeting, at the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department. The Chair thanked outgoing member Earl Walls for his 4 years of service on the PMPO board, and welcomed incoming member Mike Chesney. The Secretary's report was deferred. Treasurer Alan Serry reported that at the last board meeting, January 24, 2009, the balance carried forward was $39,522.86. Income was $670.00 donations, $31.59 interest. Expenses were $1,315.94 ($54.00 for Post Office box rental, $330.20 for newsletter postage, $636.59 for newsletter printing, and $295.15 for pancake breakfast food) The balance carried forward as of May 23, 2009, is $38,908.51. The treasurer's report was approved.
The following were all re-elected for one year terms: Glenn Borland, Chair; Bruce Graves, Vice-Chair; Alan Serry, Treasurer, and Michael Pique, Secretary.
Robert Carlyle said Bernadette Madison asked to have minutes of all our meetings. Secretary Michael Pique said that although he usually takes notes at all board meetings, even special ones such as the 2020 discussions, historically he has prepared (and the board has corrected and approved) minutes for only the regular board meetings. Bonnie Phelps moved we post minutes of all meetings on the web site (seconded by Bruce Graves, approved unanimously).
Mike Chesney suggested the Chair appoint a committee to do a ``communications campaign'' to discuss and plan improving community communications, including web presence and email notifications. Chair Glenn Borland appointed Mike Chesney as Communications Committee chair, other members to be Terri Bailey and Bob O'Neill. Michael Pique, Susan Humason, and Bonnie Phelps offered to help as appropriate.
Glenn Borland said we need to be more strict on getting documents out to the community. He asks that board members send him agenda items sooner, preferably 2 weeks in advance. Susan Humason suggests the agenda for the Annual Meeting be prepared (at least in draft) in time to include in the newsletter.
John Tainer said board members have a duty to the community of accuracy, and should avoid uninformed comments. such as that no annoucements were made of the GP 2020 special meetings.
Elizabeth Getzoff pointed out that the 2020 committees have had many meetings, and it's not reasonable for non-attenders to issue inflamatory comments.
Bonnie Phelps said that as professionals on the Board, we need to step up and talk in person, not participate in general turmoil.
Getzoff said we hold the Board to a higher standard.
Susan Humason said Board members should bring their beefs to the board first, rather than accusing the board of misconduct at the annual meeting.
Robert Carlyle said that was censorship; when he goes out into the community, he wants to speak freely.
Getzoff said that if a board member thinks a matter was unfairly handled, to make the board aware.
Terri Bailey said that last year, 2008, Gordon Madison said he called several board members about his General Plan 2020 concerns and said he was told to bring up his issues at the annual meeting. Bonnie Phelps suggested Terri, and all board members, ask people who have concerns not to wait for the annual meeting but to come to the next board meeting.
Bob O'Neill said he found out about the dispute just this morning and thinks the new communications campaign is a good idea.
John Tainer asks how we can avoid appearing to say that others on the Board have ``special interests''; this undermines the board and makes the public unwilling to particiapte.
Bonnie Phelps noted the Palomar Action Committee (PAC) has always printed minutes for the public, with the goal of posting on a web site but had nobody with the skills to do that.
Mike Chesney said the board should publish a mission statement, which Robert Carlyle suggested could be adapted from the PMPO charter.
Bob O'Neill said we should include board member votes in the minutes, and attach important decisions and documents to the distributed minutes.
Susan Humason remarked that much of the just-completed Annual Meeting controversy was over what parcels, exactly, were on the map that the PMPO sent to the county in July 2008 as its recommendation for commercial designation. Did Gordon Madison say the PAC had ``altered'' it from what was approved by the Board at its June 14, 2008 special GP 2020 meeting, or was it that the parcels were not what had been informally sketched at the May 3, 2008, meeting at the Lodge? Bob O'Neill said the process that leads to these disputes needs changing; many people are not tuned in to things like general plan revisions: they get scared when people do things outside their knowledge. It is helpful for us to develop whatever we can to keep the community more informed.
Bonnie Phelps said that the PAC is now working with Jim Hamerly on adding its minutes to Jim's PMPO web site.
Mike Chesney summarized action items as:
1. publish minutes of the June 14, 2008 special GP 2020 meeting
2. publish a quick update clarifying the issues, the GP 2020 process, and a link to the map approved by the board.
Elizabeth Getzoff said a big contention at the annual meeting was that people seemed to need to be notified ``26 different ways''. Cecilia Borland asked how we'll notify non-internet users, can we have an ``adopt a neighbor'' program? Mike Chesney said the communications committee will address these issues and welcomed suggestions.
Alan Serry commented that we're a year behind in well monitoring. Alan said Rob Hawk asked Bonnie Phelps to get names and Assessor's Parcel Numbers of those who have signed PMPO monitoring permission forms and he will get them to Linda Thorne and Mike Probert so Mike can begin monitoring on a regular schedule.
The next Board meetings are
August 29, 2009 [PMVFD Barbecue is September 5]
November 14, 2009
January 23, 2010
March 13, 2010 - newsletter planning meeting
Possible April meeting [Easter is April 12]
May 1, 2010 - newsletter mailing preparation
May 29, 2010 - Annual general meeting and pancake breakfast
The meeting was adjourned at 3:42 P.M.
Michael E. Pique, Secretary. Minutes approved by PMPO board November 13, 2010