Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
November 14, 2009
Heather Beer, Glenn Borland [Chair], Cecelia Borland (alternate), Robert Carlyle, Mike Chesney, Donna Dose, Bruce Graves, Susan Humason, Michael Pique, Alan Serry, Linda Thorne, Martha Vargas.
Terri Bailey, Elizabeth Getzoff, Scott Kardel, Robert O'Neill.
The PMPO Board Meeting was called to order at 10:04 AM at the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department. Glenn Borland thanked the Fire Department and the audience for the use of the facility and their attendance respectively. Glenn said that Scott Kardel has offered an apology for not attending.
Secretary Michael Pique distributed minutes of the August 22, 2009 meeting, kindly recorded by Cecelia Borland. The minutes were corrected and approved, with Martha Vargas abstaining on approval.
Treasurer Alan Serry reported balance forward as of August 22, 2009, of $40,543.69, income of $224.33 (donations $200, interest $24.33), expenses $2,500 for Community Center of Palomar Mountain materials, leaving us with a balance as of November 14, 2009, of $38,268.02. The report was approved.
Alan Serry reported that the rumble strip on the South Grade will begin to be installed at the end of November. Removal of dead and dying trees on the South Grade will start about the same time. Because the State Park will be largely closed from December through March, we can expect more `snow bunnies' (visitors to the mountain) to crowd the remaining areas. CHP Sgt. Bob Bishop says that this year, they will send tow trucks up with the cruisers if the PMVFD requests help in keeping roads free for emergencies. Robert Carlyle notes that the Park will be at least partly open, Silvercrest parking area, but there is uncertainty as to details still.
On a request from the floor, the board discussed asking that `no parking' signs be posted to help keep roads clear. Some members recalled that signs used to be posted along Canfield Road across from the store, but they became damaged and were removed. Bruce Graves moved the PMPO request the county to post such signs along Canfield Road's east side from the information kiosk to 1/4 mile north, and along State Park Road (both sides) from the Summit to the driveway of the Yoga Center property. The motion was seconded (Humason) and approved with Chesney opposing and Thorne absent.
Alan Serry checked and the South Grade is indeed open range - livestock (but not dogs or other pets) are free to roam, and Alan notes one new resident has a horse running free, so be watchful. Finally, Alan noted that `Hi-Way Safety' in Escondido (760) 745-2250, 520 West Grand Ave., offers reflective aluminum house number signs for about $20.
Earl Walls reported that he's still trying to finish the Community Center. He hopes the outside can be finished before snow falls, needs shingling and painting. The inside is done except for final cleaning and furnishings, on which he needs community input. Martha Vargas and Susan Humason will help on interior design. Earl will approach Jerome's to get ideas and cost, and provide an inventory to the community for items they can donate.
Robert Carlyle reported that he still expects funding of a $250,000 grant for clearing Birch Hill and the south side of Crestline of dead trees and for chipping on small lots. However, nobody knows when the funds will arrive.
Bruce Graves reported the PMPO 2020 committee met in August. Susan Humason, Elizabeth Getzoff, and Tom Burton wrote a response to the draft 2020 EIR, and sent it to the county in August. The board apparently does not have a current copy of what was sent as the EIR response (?). The PMPO 2020 committee also offered recommendations to the PMPO Board regarding dwelling density and Rural Commercial areas. The pre-FCI density of 1 dwelling per 8 acres is no longer an option, so the 1 dwelling per 10 acres is the closest equivalent, and the committee presented a map showing that designation from Upper Meadow east to Crestline and Birch Hill. The committee also presented a map showing proposed requested Rural Commercial designation (``yellow map''). Alan Serry moved the board accept the committee's recommendations as presented, seconded by Mike Chesney. The motion failed (yeas: Chesney, Serry, Vargas; nays: Beer, G. Borland, Carlyle, Dose, Graves, Humason, Pique, Thorne). A draft map was prepared by discussion adding (to the Rural Commercial designation request) the parcels adjoining the current PMVFD property to the north, northeast, east, and south (``green map''). Robert Carlyle moved the board accept the green map and the committee's dwelling density proposal, seconded by Bruce Graves. The motion passed (yeas: Beer, G. Borland, Carlyle, Dose, Graves, Humason, Pique, Vargas; nays: Chesney, Serry, Thorne). Mike Chesney requested noting that he is unhappy that members of the Sub-Committee changed their votes at the PMPO meeting. He thinks we need deeper documentation of the course of events and the process on this item, as it has ``direct'' community impact.
Susan Humason suggested the PMPO should speak at the 2020 hearing at the Ruffin Road county offices this Thursday. Martha Vargas will request a time slot for a PMPO representative to speak.
Mike Chesney reported that our new web site, PMPOinfo.com, has been up and running for six weeks. Recently, he has added a donation form and a Facebook subscription function, with 21 followers so far. Mike will talk to Bonnie Phelps and Jim Hamerly to pick up their on-line files from the Palomar Action Committee (PAC).
Linda Thorne remarked that several groups on the mountain are maintaining e-mail distribution lists, including the PMPO, the PMVFD, the Mutual Water Company, and the Community Center. Mike will cooperate with them as possible.
The bylaws Article IX revision is in progress; Robert O'Neill has offered to write up the communications committee's draft in an acceptably formal and precise way, then will be submitted to the Board and the community for approval.
Michael Pique reported that on October 16, he and Mike Probert went to 11 wells and Mike successfully measured water levels in 6 of them.
The next meeting will be January 23, 2010. Susan Humason again offered to prepare and print the newsletter; Terri Bailey has offered to help with advertising sales, and Alan Serry with invoicing. Although we may go paperless at some point, and probably on request at first, we will again print and mail the newsletter in 2010.
The board decided to try hiring a person to take notes and transcribe them to text to help the secretary, Michael Pique, for $100.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:33 PM.
Next meeting: January 23, 2010, at 10:00 AM, Fire Station.
Michael Pique
Glenn to send letter to county requesting No Parking Signs
Glenn to send copy of the Submission made to the County on the EIR to the PMPO Board Members,
DPLU Meeting: Martha Vargas to try to get time on the DPLU Meeting Agenda;
Glenn to determine who is representing the PMPO at the DPLU meeting; Mike Chesney to send Community Communication re:DPLU and post on Web Site
Glenn to send Letter of thanks to Bonnie, Earl, and Rob for service from the PMPO
Mike Chesney to Update Website:
Relocate PAC to the PMPO Site;
remove Non PMPO Items, e.g. Community Events;
add PayPal to donations page;
add a "Viral" network to the other "Official" Palomar Mountain Community Sites;
add an Area to submit Ideas or Photo for the Newsletter to the Website;
add the Submission made to the County on the EIR.
Glenn Borland to include in next Agenda: add Action Item Review as
Add to the Community Center Update; an overview of Operating Procedures etc
Mike Chesney to publish request for Scribe
Mike Chesney to work with PMVFD on e-mail address collection activities
Glenn Borland to talk to non-attending Board Members about their responsibilities to attend the meetings.