Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
January 30, 2010
Heather Beer, Glenn Borland [Chair], Cecelia Borland (alternate), Robert Carlyle, Mike Chesney, Bruce Graves, Scott Kardel, Michael Pique, Alan Serry, Linda Thorne, Martha Vargas.
Terri Bailey, Donna Dose, Elizabeth Getzoff/John Tainer, Susan Humason, Robert O'Neill.
The PMPO Board Meeting was called to order at 10:03 AM at the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department. Chair Glenn Borland thanked the Fire Department and the audience for the use of the facility and their attendance.
Secretary Michael Pique distributed minutes of the November 14, 2009 meeting, which were unanimously approved as distributed.
Treasurer Alan Serry reported balance forward as of November 14, 2009, of $38,268.02, income of $15.82 (donations $0.19, interest $15.63), expenses none, leaving us with a balance as of January 14, 2010, of $38,283.84. The report was approved.
Glenn to send letter to county requesting No Parking Signs - passed to Alan Serry who said he will address the signs in his meeting with county.
Glenn to send copy of the Submission made to the County on the EIR to the PMPO Board Members - ?
DPLU Meeting: Martha Vargas to try to get time on the DPLU Meeting Agenda - she publicized the meeting but is not sure who came.
Glenn to determine who is representing the PMPO at the DPLU meeting - ? Mike Chesney to send Community Communication re:DPLU and post on Web Site - not yet.
Glenn to send Letter of thanks to Bonnie, Earl, and Rob for service from the PMPO - done
Mike Chesney to Update Website: relocate Palomar Action Committee [PAC] pages to the PMPO Site, remove non-PMPO Items, add PayPal to donations page, add links to other Palomar Mountain Community Sites - all done. Add the Submission made to the County on the EIR - not yet.
Nina Faulkenstein asked why the PAC records were transferred from Bonnie Phelps' web-hosted site to pmpoinfo.com. Mike Chesney said, to preserve the PAC minutes and notes on issues. Nina said she thought the PAC had been dissolved, Glenn said its activities (along with other PMPO committees') were temporarily suspended, but no committees were dissolved.
Nina asked why the Board (in its November 14 meeting) voted as it did on the 2020 land use designation map, modifying the map recommended by the PMPO 2020 committee. Gordon Madison, who served on the committee, said he was told that the Board would approve the committee's recommendation, and asked why some committee members voted, in November, to modify the recommendation. Mike Chesney said that clarifying this process is a main goal of the Article IX Bylaws amendment, in progress.
Add to the Community Center Update an overview of Operating Procedures - Bruce Graves has been scheduling the building so far.
Mike Chesney to publish request for Scribe - deferred after Diana Serry offered to help at the January meeting.
Mike Chesney to work with PMVFD on e-mail address collection activities - done, been collecting with joint opt-in since January 1.
Glenn Borland to talk to non-attending Board Members about their responsibilities to attend the meetings - done, with help from Bruce Graves.
Alan Serry reported that the rumble strip on the South Grade has been installed. Much discussion about the traffic and public safety challenges from the many `snow bunnies' (visitors to the mountain). Alan said that despite solid promises from CHP and Sheriff to pre-stage tow trucks and officers on the mountain on snowy weekends, nothing visible was done and cars were backed up on the South Grade and blocked State Park road and Crestline. The Forest Service did step up; USFS officer Brooks Casady kept the East Grade and Canfield fairly clear, at least on Saturday when he was on-duty. Scott Kardel said the closing of the Observatory grounds, backed by hired security guards, probably pressured the Summit and East Grade but was necessary to avoid public mayhem. Gordon Madison said Bailey's kept someone outside to turn visitors back at the resort, but many parked at the road and walked everywhere. Cliff Kellogg said visitors invaded closed State Park regions, blocking all access as of 3 PM Sunday. Heather Beer said that visitors flowed down the small roads north of the Lodge, blocking them, and some became aggressive when she asked them to stay outside a private gate; Linda Thorne reported a similar experience.
Alan said last weekend was a ``wake-up call'' and this week should see a meeting to discuss how to handle the crowds. Kathy Lande asked if we could do as the Lagunas do and install gates on the main roads, allowing only so many visitors at one time. Alan said he will ask, but that sounds like a police responsibility, and his PMPO responsibility is ``traffic'' safety. Alan will ask about reinstating the Forest Service ``Adventure Permit'' requirement for parking on Forest Service land.
Bonnie Burchill and Jon Rollin reported on the County fuels reduction program. Birch Hill is almost finished, next will be the East Grade and South Grade, then Conifer Road and Bailey Meadows, then Pedley and Mendenhall Valleys. By the end, about 20,000 dead and dying trees will have been removed. All will be removed, not chipped, and the program does not clear brush or remove existing downed trees. If you have questions, call 866-986-9852.
Bonnie cautioned against moving firewood uphill, because of the goldspotted oak borer beetle, an oak pest new to southern California, see groups.ucanr.org/GSOB
Earl Walls reported that he's still trying to finish the Community Center, some 50-60 square feet of shingles still need to be put up. However, the two modular home units have been moved from the helicopter pad to the PMVFD at long last, and will soon be ready to bunk out-of-town firefighters. Jerome's Furniture Center donated six sofas to go into the bunkhouse.
Jerome's has quoted $4413 for the Community Center furniture, including tax and delivery. Bruce Graves and Mike Chesney will help Earl conduct a fund-raising campaign. Bruce Graves moved the PMPO lend the Community Center $4413, to be repaid within a year, seconded by Martha Vargas, approved (all except Scott Kardel, who had left).
Robert Carlyle reported that he still expects funding of a $250,000 grant for clearing Birch Hill and the south side of Crestline of dead trees and for chipping on small lots. However, nobody knows when the funds will arrive, currently held up by Federal Bureau of Land Management preparation of White Butterfly Environmental Impact Report.
Bill Leininger, Palomar Mountain CERT Coordinator, said CERT now has 31 active members. The team was activated last weekend to help during the snow, doing outreach and practicing communications.
Cliff Kellogg says the Department helped during the snow emergency on downed tree removal, traffic control around rockslides, and one medical aid. The station was staffed from Thursday morning to Sunday midnight. The PMVFD currently has 18 members of which: 9 are EMTs, 7 are on-mountain (more on-mountain volunteers are wanted).
Bruce Graves reported that the map showing requested Rural Commercial designation was submitted to the county in a meeting with Eric Lardy in December. Martha Vargas is monitoring meeting and hearing notifications from the county but admits she might overlook some announcement. Mike Pique mentioned that former mountain property owner Jerry McLees, a consultant with extensive county government connections, used to watch for these on our behalf. Glenn Borland will ask Eric Lardy about who might be able to help us like Jerry did.
Mike Chesney distributed Communications Officer update, reporting that our web site www.PMPOinfo.com is up and running, and the PayPal donation mechanism is working.
The bylaws Article IX [Committees] revision is in progress; he distributed drafts. Discussion followed: limits on power of Chair to create and fill committee, limits of authority of new ``executive'' committees, duration of time for Board members to be notified and to object to new committees. Mike Chesney will update the bylaws amendment draft and circulate it to the Board in time to further modify it, if needed, and then to present to the general membership for consideration at the Annual Meeting in May.
Linda Thorne reported that Mike Probert is monitoring 5 or 6 wells every month and the data is showing good consistency. Mike Pique noted we still need wells on Birch Hill, besides Bruce & Lola Graves'. Doug Lande suggested bringing up at Annual Meeting.
The next full Board meeting will be May 29, 2010, immediately following the Annual Meeting and Pancake Breakfast. Alan Serry asked authors to get their newsletter articles to Susan Humason.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:38 PM.
Michael Pique, Secretary. Minutes approved by PMPO board August 21, 2010
Glenn to call Eric Lardy asking for contact person.
Glenn to supply Susan Humason with list of open and up-for-reelection Board positions
Bruce Graves and Mike Chesney to meet with Earl Walls to help plan and conduct Community Center fund-raising campaign
Mike Chesney to update Website:
Fuels Reduction program
Submission made to the County on the EIR
Bylaw amendment text
Glenn Borland to include in next Agenda:
well monitoring.