Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
August 21, 2010
Glenn Borland [Chair], Robert Carlyle, Mike Chesney, Donna Dose, George Evangelou, Elizabeth Getzoff (arrived 10:20 AM), Bruce Graves, George Lucia, Alan Serry, Linda Thorne.
Heather Beer, Steve Clark, Doug Lande, Michael Pique, Martha Vargas.
The PMPO Board Meeting was called to order at about 10:00 AM at the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department. Due to the absence of Secretary Michael Pique, Chair Glenn Borland made a request of the few audience members to scribe the meeting. Tricia Lucia (the good-hearted person she is) agreed. Minutes of the January 30, 2010 meeting were unanimously approved as distributed. Treasurer Alan Serry reported a balance forward as of January 30, 2010, of $38,283.84, income of $3099.19 (donations from newsletter $2,240, pancake breakfast $486.75, newsletter advertising $320, interest $52.44), expenses $1,692.98 (newsletter postage $427, newsletter printing $834.16, pancake breakfast food and supplies $375.82, PO box rental $56), leaving us with a balance as of August 21, 2010, of $39,690.05. The loan of $4,412.96 to the Community Center of Palomar Mountain for furnishings (February 4, 2010) was repaid in full on April 12, 2010. The report was approved.
There was a lengthy discussion regarding the minutes. Can they be provided on-line or must they be mailed out? Should the Board hire a scribe to prepare the minutes in a timely fashion? Purchase a recorder to tape all the meetings and then have someone scribe? Suggested: pay $10 hour to scribe and prepare the minutes of the meetings. Robert Carlyle moved the Board hire a scribe and Linda Thorne seconded the motion. All members were in favor.
Susan Humason has offered to continue to do the newsletter even though she is no longer on the Board. It was suggested that the Board look into providing the newsletter on line to save the expense. Mike Chesney commented that the Board has to do some critical thinking as to the future of the newsletter and will discuss it in his report. (Elizabeth Getzoff arrived)
Donna Dose did a great job as usual with a little help from her friends. We had a great turnout.
Mike Chesney said our www.pmpoinfo.com web site has been updated: added ``feedback'' function and added new board member spotlights. Six people have been added to the distribution list, and the Facebook page now has 39 followers, up six from last meeting. The web site hasn't had any technical incidents in the last 3 months and is receiving about 100 unique visitors per month. He distributed welcome packages to the new board members, outlining useful information and links.
Information Officer Objectives 2010/2011 are
Increase Traffic to PMPOInfo.com:
Promote the site through more frequent communications, partnering with other community sites to expand our reach, promotion of key mountain events, personalization of the site (e.g., board member profiles, photos/videos), re-work tags and keywords to increase search engine hits, increase distribution lists and Facebook followers.
Deliver more timely information to the community:
Follow-up and communication of meeting minutes, enhance Newsletter (focusing on value, cost and distribution methods).
Vice Chair Objectives 2010/2011 are
Improve internal PMPO Board processes:
Improve transparency and process around Board Meeting: announcements, agenda, attendance, minutes, action items. Improve documentation of internal processes: elections, meetings.
Governance: Convert current Article documents into an editable format; update Articles by including the changes to Article IX approved at the 2010 Annual Meeting; review remaining Articles and make recommendations for updates to the Board.
Alan Serry reported that the rumble strips on the South Grade have been installed as part of a grant. George Lucia commented that there has been a decrease in motorcycle accidents and of the accidents that did occur, none were head-on with other motorcycles.
George Lucia reminded the Board and the residents that it is extremely important to call 911 and report and hazardous conditions they may encounter. Their complaints/concerns have to be logged in so that the Sheriffs can see the frequency of the incidents and therefore will have a record to be able to correct it.
There was a lengthy discussion as to calling 911 to make the complaint or if there is a better number to call. George Lucia stressed the fact, that while calling another number because in your eyes it may not be life threatening, the 911 line is recorded and if ever a question would arise because of a situation, the Sheriff could go back to the phone recording.
Alan suggested having a sign/poster at the PMVFD BBQ listing the concerns over truck traffic, cars racing at night, the motorcycles and the bicyclists. Robert Carlyle made a motion that the PMPO participate with the Community Center of Palomar Mountain by sharing a booth at the PMVFD BBQ. George Lucia seconded this motion, all were in favor.
La Jolla Reservation visitors, Adam Geisler and James Trujillo, commented that they also share our concerns and will join in our efforts in dealing with the Sheriff's Department.
Robert Carlyle reported his crews are currently working on the south side of Crestline and the Birch Hill area, creating a huge fire break in the canyons.
They received another $100,000 and will be doing clearing near Earl Walls, the roads around the Observatory, and the properties of individual owners. Robert hopes to get $325,000 next year and would like suggestions from residents as to the areas needing clearing.
It was suggested that he also participate in the group booth at the PMVFD BBQ to put the word out to the residents.
Linda Thorne said that levels remain almost the same from May 21st to July 3rd. If you know of anyone who is not participating in the monitoring and would like to, please let Linda know. It was suggested that she contact the Yoga Center to record their data. Linda has purchased a notebook to record the data that is collected. Mike Probert has the official tape measure.
Linda Thorne reported there was a problem with the water tank and upon testing there appeared to be E. Coli bacteria. A ``Boil Water'' mandate was put into effect to all residents. The residents were also informed that they could pick-up bottled water at the Fire Station. Proper actions were taken and the problem was corrected.
The gold spotted oak borer beetle, an oak pest new to southern California, is being transported around the county by moving firewood. There is no cure and once the trees are contaminated, they are done. Linda Thorne reported there is going to be a meeting on September 15, 2010, in Murrieta on the Oak Borer if anyone is interested (see groups.ucanr.org/GSOB).
Elizabeth Getzoff questioned if you can fumigate and Linda said yes. Robert said you have to let it sit for 2 years. The Oak Borers have been found at Lake Henshaw.
Alan asked if there is any way we can prevent firewood from being brought up the mountain, and realistically there isn't. The firewood being sold at the Summit is believed to be supplied by Chris Marszalek. Elizabeth Getzoff suggested talking to Chris about this.
Bernadette Madison said she has two diseased trees on her property; Linda told her to contact Bonnie Burchhill and she will inspect her trees.
Bill Leininger, Palomar Mountain CERT Coordinator, said CERT members are being trained on the newly acquired Brush Truck. This vehicle will be used to spray Barricade Gel and for radio communications. They will be demonstrating these features at the PMVFD BBQ.
Chief George Lucia said the department is preparing for the Annual BBQ. They made the transition from the Community Center to the bunk house.
The Kardels donated a car to be used by the department for off-mountain errands, which will save using the department's trucks which are gas eaters. The department also received a donated shipping container that was placed on top of the shipping container currently in place. These will be altered into a training facility for our members.
Bruce Graves reported a new Board was elected in March 2010. They are currently in need of someone to lay the blocks for the patio.
The rear deck had to be put on hold due to the fact the material purchased was not non-combustible; Earl Walls is in the process of returning these materials and working on a different plan.
We are still in the process of acquiring the Iverson Property which will be a benefit to both the Fire Department and the Community Center.
Secretary Adam Geisler and Vice Chair James Trujillo presented the project, which they said will operate similar to the Santa Ysabel Casino (a smaller scale casino). Their goal is to make it a premier casino in the area. They have a long family history on the site where campgrounds used to entertain families for years. Their intent is to continue with that ``family'' feeling and offer quality not quantity, and cater to the comfortable hospitality that is lacking in the other casinos where they are just about the money.
The design of the project is to fit into the environment: cabins grouped together along with ``all green'' technologies to enhance the area.
Public safety is one of their priorities. They will increase safety to the Community by providing a full time, paid fire department. Right now, La Jolla has a volunteer department stationed on Harolds Road. Their plan is to build an additional fire department close to the casino. This project will also be an economic plus for both the Tribe and the surrounding communities.
The Board expressed some concerns over the increase in traffic and light pollution interfering with the Palomar Observatory. The gentlemen advised the Board that they are currently addressing both issues.
A meeting will be held on August 24th, 2010, at the Tribal Office to discuss this project. The EIRs (Environment Impact Reports) are available for review at the Valley Center Library and at the Tribal Office.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:23 PM.
Tricia Lucia
Edited by Michael Pique, Secretary. Minutes approved by PMPO board November 13, 2010