Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
November 13, 2010
Glenn Borland [Chair], Cecelia Borland (alternate), Robert Carlyle, Mike Chesney, Steve Clark, Donna Dose, George Evangelou, Bruce Graves, Michael Pique, Alan Serry, Linda Thorne.
Heather Beer, Elizabeth Getzoff/John Tainer, Doug Lande, George Lucia, Martha Vargas.
The PMPO Board Meeting was called to order at 10:08 AM at the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department. Chair Glenn Borland thanked the Fire Department for use of the building and Tricia Lucia for keeping the minutes of the August 21 meeting. He announced that this meeting was being audio-recorded as an aid in preparing the minutes. Vice-Chair Mike Chesney reported that the charter and by-laws permitted all current board members to vote on correction and approval of minutes of prior meetings. Minutes of the board meetings of January 24 and May 23, 2009, and May 29 and August 21, 2010, were approved with corrections. Treasurer Alan Serry reported a balance forward as of August 21, 2010, of $39,690.05, income of interest $23.55, expenses zero, leaving us with a balance as of November 13, 2010, of $39,713.60. The report was approved.
Mike Chesney said our www.pmpoinfo.com web site has seen continued interest and has received routine updates; quiet otherwise.
Alan Serry reported that he met with the CHP in late August, before the PMVFD barbecue, and they are happy there have been no fatalities and that they were able to post 3 units on the mountain every summer weekend. Alan wrote a letter thanking them and asking them please to keep up the enforcement even beyond the September 1 expiration of special grant funding. Alan posted the letter at the barbecue for residents to sign and presented the signatures at a meeting with CHP North County Captain Deb Scroder. They are planning a further meeting at the Observatory to prepare a new snow emergency plan but this has not yet happened.
At the barbecue, Alan distributed small cards with a non-emergency CHP dispatch telephone number. The next step is to produce durable refrigerator magnets with numbers for the CHP dispatcher, sheriff, state park ranger, forest service, and similar. Donna Dose moved and Bruce Graves seconded a motion to spend up to $300 for 200 such magnets, to be approximately 4x6 inches, in large type, and include the date and sponsorship by the PMPO. Approval was unanimous; Alan and Mike Chesney will prepare a draft layout for board approval.
Robert Carlyle reported his crews will be continuing to work along Canfield Road advancing south from the Observatory. They will then return to the Crestline and State Park Road areas until the end of 2010. Robert expects to have another $325,000 for next year and would like suggestions from residents as to the areas needing clearing: especially brush, but also overhanging and dead trees.
Robert's grant has funds for fire safety education and might be able to help pay for a safety magnet distribution if the magnets included current fire clearance requirements, burning permit information, and key phone numbers. He will work with Alan Serry on this idea.
Donna Dose said Bonnie Burchill's San Diego County tree removers took 480 trees off of her property north of the Lodge, doing a very good job.
Linda Thorne said that Mike Probert is monitoring regularly, including Pedley Valley, Graves, and Borlands. She has not yet contacted the Yoga Center to obtain a copy of their data.
The tanks atop Birch Hill have all been relined now, and money is in the bank in reserve for pipeline repairs.
The gold spotted oak borer beetle has been found at Lake Henshaw but none so far have appeared in traps on Palomar Mountain. Linda Thorne attended the September 15th Santa Rosa workshop on the pest and wants to post information for residents; Robert Carlyle offered half of the Fire Safe Council sign near the Post Office. The beetle was only recognized as the cause of “sudden oak death” in 2008, but is now known to attack both deciduous (Black Oak) and evergreen (Coast and Canyon Live Oak) trees. The beetle larvae emerge from infected trees in May and June, leaving a distinctive D-shaped exit hole. Linda wants to invite Riverside County experts down to educate Palomar residents about the threat, even before the May pancake breakfast if possible.
No reports from these groups.
Bruce Graves reported the CCPM board meets monthly and is working on obtaining insurance for the facility, now still insured by the Fire Department. The CCPM board is phasing in support for utilities and other costs as the Fire Department withdraws from the Community Center with the completion of the Walls Administrative building.
The former Iverson property south of the Fire Department, on both sides of the East Grade, is now owned by the Fire Department. The Iverson property to the east, across Crestline Road, is now being maintained by the Fire Department.
Glenn Borland said Martha Vargas probably went to the last meeting. The next general (not steering committee) meeting is Saturday November 20, and “North Mountain” appears on the agenda. Linda Thorne will let Glenn know whether she will be able to go.
Robert Carlyle said he missed the August 24 meeting. Glenn Borland will try to get the minutes; the URL given out at the August 21 PMPO presentation was not for the LJIR project but for the Sacramento consultant's company. The project plans a 200-room hotel, 2000 slot machines, and parking for 1100 cars. Libby Getzoff will be asked to be the PMPO Board's point of contact for the status of the East Grade property transfer and the relation to the casino project, if any.
Jessica Murany introduced herself as the Palomar Mountain State Park's new ranger. She, in fact, is the only ranger until at least April. The Park will be open, and Alan Serry will work with her on snow emergency planning. She is looking for volunteers to help with trail maintenance, the Junior Ranger and campfire programs, and the April 16 Earth Day events. She can be reached at (760) 742-3462, JMurany@parks.ca.gov.
Vice-Chair Mike Chesney led discussion on the Borland family building permit application. The Borlands seek an administrative building permit for a barn and workshop on their Birch Hill residential property, APN 135-080-11. The San Diego Department of Planning and Land Use (DPLU) requested the PMPO evaluate and provide comment on certain aspects of the project, including an advisory vote on approval or denial. Steve Powell from the Accudraft company explained the process for this kind of permit and distributed plans, elevations, and site maps. Alan Serry asked whether the PMPO board had authority in the matter; Bruce Graves explained that the county accepts the PMPO as an applicable sponsor group and invites the PMPO's comments in an advisory role. Robert Carlyle moved the PMPO advise the most positive recommendation, seconded by Bruce Graves. The board recommended “Approve without conditions” with the comment “The Palomar Mountain Planning Organization board finds the Project Description is complete and adequate as presented, and, on this site, compatible with the character of the local community.” (7 yes: Carlyle, Chesney, Clark, Dose, Graves, Pique, Thorne; 0 no; 3 abstain: G Borland, Evangelou, Serry)
The meeting was adjourned at 11:54 AM. Next meeting is February 5, 2011.
Michael Pique, Secretary.