Minutes of the Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Meeting
August 25, 2012
DRAFT - not approved for distribution
Heather Beer, Glenn Borland, Robert Carlyle, Mike Chesney, Steve Clark, George Evangelou, Bruce Graves, George Lucia, Michael Pique, Alan Serry, Linda Thorne, Michael Walsh [chair].
Donna Dose, Elizabeth Getzoff, Doug Lande.
The PMPO Board Meeting was called to order at 10:00 AM at the Palomar Mountain Volunteer Fire Department, by Mike Walsh, chair.
Minutes of the February 4 and May 26 2012, board meetings were distributed with corrections and approval deferred to next meeting. Treasurer Linda Thorne reported a balance forward as of February 4, 2012, of $40,280.91, income of $4,361.04, expenses of $4,913.05, leaving us with a balance as of August 25, 2012, of $39,722.76. George Evangelou asked whether the conditions had been met for PMPO's contingent donation to Friends of Palomar Mountain State Park; Michael Walsh said they were and the donation was made. The report was approved unanimously. The PMPO account will be moving to Chase and new signature cards will be signed today after the meeting.
George Lucia said that topics not on the published agenda may not be discussed at PMPO board meetings. Robert Carlyle moved (second: Linda Thorne) that “The PMPO board continue to abide by the Brown Act”; approved (abstain: Borland, Graves; opposed: Pique). Michael Walsh moved (second: Beer) that “The PMPO board will discuss only matters previously posted on the agenda”; approved (abstain: Borland, Carlyle; opposed: Pique).
Mike Stevens talked to the Sheriff Deputy about the South Grade, where the posted speed limit is 55 mph. Glenn Borland says it is a lot of work to change a speed limit after a road has been surveyed and approved for a specific limit. George Lucia suggests Mike pursue speed cameras and other “traffic calming” methods such as rubber cones glued to the road to visually narrow it. George suggests Mike meet CHP Sgt Scott Payson who can point us to the grant person as well as make sure we are ready for snow days. George agreed to join Mike on the PMPO Traffic Safety committee.
Robert Carlyle says he is in between grants and has used up the $2500 SDG&E grant. He does have some funds available for small work needed urgently after an emergency. He hopes to receive next grant funding by November but it was January last year.
Chief George Lucia said the Dept is healthy, though fighting the economy and demographics (ageing). Politically, he notes the new Fire Tax coming this fall was not asked for by the PMVFD, nor will they receive funds from it.
George says the Palomar Mountain evacuation plan is being revised to emphasize that the “temporary evacuation sites” are really short-term “areas of safe refuge”. In 2007, we were nervous about getting residents down the South and East Grades, but moving them the Observatory actually, in retrospect, put them deeper back into the mountain.
George noted a recent crime spike - break-in at Mothers Kitchen at night, trashing of cabins at Doctors Pond, theft at Christian Conference Center. Big targets are tools and generators. Be aware, inventory your house, REPORT any crimes to the sheriff, and call 911 if you see something strange. Mike Stevens offers to help people put up automatic cameras and see what's been around besides the mule deer.
Palomar is still an ISO 9 fire rating, if you're within 5 miles of the station, otherwise 10. It's mostly based on watter supply - we are almost ready to call for a test to try to get down to 8.
George welcomes everyone to the Bill Leininger (Palomar Mountain CERT Coordinator) going-away dinner tonight, the PMVFD Appreciation Dinner Friday, the annual barbecue Saturday, and the annual general meeting Sunday.
Linda Thorne said all is good, no major projects, little water use this year because of fewer full-time residents. A new tank is going into Pedley Valley and the tank liners are holding up well. Miramar Air Station has a surplus 100,000 gallon tank but we would have to move it - George says perhaps his crews could help. It might go at the PMMWC office on Crestline near the Lodge as a Fire Dept `quick fill' site.
Linda Thorne said that Mike Probert has still not resumed the community well level monitoring program. She does have Pedley data because the PMMWC is required to collect it.
Bruce Graves reported the CCPM is inactive since becoming the bunk house for the volunteer firefighters. A new handicapped access ramp is almost ready.
Bruce Graves and Michael Pique recounted the history of the Section 14 resurvey by Whittaker and its effect on property in and west of Section 14. George Lucia asked if property not on the boundary is affected; Glenn Borland says this is not clear, as his property has surveys back to the 1920s that show lines have clearly been moved. Michael Pique suggests that the (dormant) proposal to offer the US Forest Service land in exchange for restoring the boundary to its traditional cardinal direction is the best way to go forward.
The PMPO largely, but not completely, accomplished our long-standing goal of restoring land use rules to pre-FCI. Michael Walsh showed a big map noting the changes since February 5 meeting including R80 to R40 from mile 9 to about mile 7, and for Jerry Fisher's property along Highway 76. All this info is now available on the DPLU web site. Michael Walsh reported that the two Jameson ladies at the February 5 meeting had received a “down-designation” notice from DPLU and met with Robert Citrano and apparently resolved any issues.
The usage of `RC' as both `rural commercial' and `residential commercial' has understandably caused confusion. The helipad, for example, was purchased while designated `residential commercial' but has been changed, we understand, back to the correct `rural commercial'.
Earl Walls says the “telecommunications [antenna] overlay” has been restored to the plan, somewhat expanded from its earlier area. Michael Walsh and Glenn Borland will work to reconcile the differences, with the goal of keeping the original location and area.
Michael Walsh reported that the “Friends of Palomar Mountain State Park” have been succesful in their efforts to keep the park open, by providing the approximately $60,000 to close the annual gap between revenue and expenses.
The meeting was adjourned at 12:10 PM. Next board meeting is November 17, 2012.
Michael Pique, Secretary. Minutes approved by PMPO board not***yet