Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Board Meeting
August 23, 2014
Glenn Borland [chair], Robert Carlyle, Donna Dose, George Evangelou, Elizabeth Getzoff, Bruce Graves, Zachary Harris, Michael Pique, Michael Walsh.
Heather Beer (medical), Steve Clark, Brenda Fromlath, Rosemary Johnston, Linda Thorne, Yvonne Vaucher.
The PMPO Board Meeting was called to order at 10:02 AM at the Palomar Mountain Fire Department, by Glenn Borland, chair.
Michael Pique reviewed the minutes from the February 8 and May 24, 2014, board meetings. The minutes were approved as presented, unanimously.
Treasurer Linda Thorne was absent but sent her report. Income from the last week of May to now was $1794 from donations and $60 from newsletter advertisement sales. Expenses have been $228.42 for breakfast food, $151.74 for breakfast supplies, $933.98 for newsletter printing, and $10 for State of California franchise tax. The report was approved unanimously.
Alan Serry says CERT is going well, with a recent CERT Academy offering training on firefighting and emergency medical care. One mountain resident attended, and two people from the Christian Conference center. The next Academy will be held November 7-9. CERT has received one financial donation this year.
Alan brought the forty newly-prepared easement emergency locator signs, which will replace the ones put up in Crestline & Birch Hill in 2003. They will be on 6-foot steel posts to keep them above snow and shrubs. He also brought the first batch of 31 house number signs, intended for residents to post along the easement roads to mark their houses. These signs are very visible and reflective, and the house ones are color-coded blue for houses with water tank hydrants.
Robert Carlyle reported that the dry conditions have made for a busy three months since early June. Many properties were cited by the U.S. Forest Service for hazardous surroundings. He says his crews are wrapping up work as the funds have run out. No more money appears to be in the funnel for this year; we seem to get money every other year now, so maybe more next spring. He can still offer residents good deals on chipping and even do some small jobs for free, thanks to some donations and non-USFS grants.
Bruce Graves reported on the Community Center remaining inactive for lack of a building. He has stepped down as CCPM Chair, replaced by John Lesac.
A deeded easement to a public road is important when refinancing or selling your property, or for rebuilding after a fire: unfortunately, very few parcels on Birch Hill have such easements. Bruce Graves and Cecelia Borland are working to restart the project to record deeded easements on Birch Hill, started by the Borlands and Bonnie Phelps. The surveyor who met with some of the PMPO board in February 2014, Lorne DaPron, had estimated a cost of $16,000, minimum. Since then, Mr. DaPron has dropped the project. Bruce has been busy moving to El Cajon and has not found a new surveyor to take on the job. Robert Carlyle suggests a surveyor in Julian, James, for the job.
Chief Cliff Kellogg says the Department is well, with 29 on staff, all EMT-qualified (except the water tender driver). The station has new interior walls with steel siding covering the insulation, and a new-painted floor. They are soon installing a special machine for washing the turnout gear, at a cost of $12,000.
Next weekend, Labor Day weekend, is a full one for the Department, with the Firefighter Appreciation dinner on Friday evening, the 37th annual barbecue and raffle on Saturday, and the annual general meeting on Sunday.
Mike Pique circulated and summarized the CalTrans criteria for designating a highway segment as “scenic”, and the process involved. The proponent first files a letter of intent, then prepares a package of maps and photographs, along with a plan for what legislation the local jurisdiction would enact to protect the highway's appearance. In the case of Highway 76 between I-15 and Lake Henshaw, this would be San Diego County's responsibility. Mike does not know if anyone has filed a letter of intent. Some concern was expressed over the “visual standards” that would be applied to restrict changes in adjoining residents' property, as these aesthetic approval boards have reputations for inconsistency. The question of any designation's effect on the La Jolla Indian Reservation, which borders the highway on the south side, is also unknown. Wes Ruiz of LJIR and the U.S. Forest Service might know the answer.
Michael Walsh reported a great summer at the park, with campground occupancy 100% on weekends, high all week, and good revenue. Income has been up from $184,000 last year to about $200,000 this year, with expenses staying arount $210-220,000.
The “Friends of Palomar Mountain State Park” got a good start by being part of CRISPIA - the Cuyamaca State Park Interpretive Association - and now want to evolve into an independent cooperating association unit. Their 501(c)3 incorporation has been completed and they are now filing papers with the California Parks and Recreation department.
Plans for the next few years include refurbishing the ranger station by the campground, and cleaning Doane Pond of cattails. Michael suggests we ask Nedra Martinez, Superintendent of State Parks in this area, to come to our November meeting.
Mike Pique has heard rumors of a proposal to restore the historic signage along this San Diego County road. This would appear to need approval, and possibly funding, from the county road department. He will see if they know anything about the proposal.
Zachary Harris says he is moving to Georgia and leaving the PMPO Board. Linda Thorne is resigning the Treasurer's position. George Evangelou was unanimously elected as the new Treasurer. The Board will leave Zachary's position open until a new member can be recruited and elected.
The meeting was adjourned at 11:21 AM.
Next board meeting is November 15.
Michael Pique, Secretary (email:
Minutes approved by PMPO board NOT YET