Palomar Mountain Planning Organization Board Meeting
November 14, 2015
Glenn Borland [chair], Robert Carlyle, Steve Clark, George Evangelou, Brenda Fromlath, Elizabeth Getzoff, Sue Hanson, Michael Pique, Yvonne Vaucher,
Terri Bailey, Heather Beer, Donna Dose, Bruce Graves, Rosemary Johnston, Michael Walsh.
The PMPO Board Meeting was called to order at ****10:05 AM at the Palomar Mountain Fire Department, by Glenn Borland, chair.
** Treasurer Report needed ** **current balance is: checking $9503.11, savings $33,356.13, total $42,860.24. Secretary Michael Pique presented the minutes of the September 5 meeting. The minutes were approved with correction of the treasurer's report.
Robert Carlyle said the Council has been inactive for some months and thanks Yvonne Vaucher and Brenda Fromlath for stepping in to help. Yvonne says they are working to reinstate the Council's not-for-profit status, which involves filing some back reports and paying some fees.
Yvonne Vaucher referred to Bonnie Phelps' November 10 email, which included a link to, a UC Extension site. It has a form to report infected trees, and a way to get traps. Insecticides are of limited value and costs about $1000 per tree. You can remove and grind up infected trees, or cut and cover with sealed plastic for at least a year. Steve Clark asks what we can do with fallen oak branches. Can we just open up the mountain for wood removal? No, the wood must be chipped first. Tracy Ellis is our local entomologist.
Michael Pique reported that Bonnie Phelps and he met at the County Real Estate Services Division offices with Eric Lazovich, County Land Surveyor; Bill Ring, County Senior Land Surveyor; and Janice Haggard, Stewart Title Officer. Researching chain-of-title is needed to determine what party owned what large parcels when certain road easements were dedicated, in the 1920's and 1930's. If, for example, the Mendenhalls did indeed own all of a parcel when they agreed to road easements in 1938, that would settle the legal status of those easements.
Michael Pique said seven wells on the East Grade and Birch Hill were measured on October 24, for the first time since September 1, 2013. The levels have dropped 20 to 40 feet.
John Lesac, CCPM Board Chair, announced that the CCPM organized a “Movie Night” & barn dance at Bailey's and a dance & potluck at the PMVFD stage. They participated in the recent Apple Festival at the State Park, distributing 21 bird house kits to children. They plan a “Meet your Fire Department” tea on December 5, an evening holiday party & potluck dessert on December 12, and a Christmas Eve service on December 24. Their November 4 Tamale Class at Upper Meadow lodge attracted 20 people.
Chief Cristina Williamson reported that the San Diego County Fire Authority (CFA) is supporting the Department with an apparatus upgrade including a new four-wheel-drive vehicle next month. We're continuing to have El Nino and snow-day planning meetings. Residents should help themselves to the sandbags outside the station, get prepared for heavy rains now, not wait too long. Community residents will be able to have brush piles chipped for free this spring, thanks to a $6000 SRA fee grant - this is where your special tax money is going, so be sure to take advantage of this program.
Alan Serry announced that James Ewen is to be our new Palomar Mountain CERT program manager, subject to approval by the PMVFD Board. James is a Navy medic and a Palomar full-timer. CERT activities this fall included an AED/CPR class and an October 10 presentation on “El Nino and Palomar Mountain”. CERT is continuing to help new Fire Department crews with local area familiarization.
Alan Serry says the PMPO Board should get a follow-through person for the Interagency Task Force Snow Emergency meetings. Linda Fortney says the next one, combined with an El Nino planning meeting, is this Tuesday in Valley Center. Chief Williamson says she will attend. Alan says that's not quite the same meeting they used to have to prepare for local snow emergencies.
Terry Sproul says that bicycles on the Grades are a big hazard, especially trying to maintain three feet of clearance. Robert Carlyle thanked Alan for his many years of being on the forefront with energy and dedication to help out the community. Carlyle moved we order a plaque for Alan; Sue Hanson seconded; approved.
In a written report, Michael Walsh said the October 18th Apple Festival attracted a phenomenal 800 visitors. Michael said he's replacing Rick Barclay as Director of the “Friends” of the Park.
Sue Hanson says Steve Flanders, the new Palomar Observatory community outreach representative, had another committment this morning and could not come to the PMPO meeting. He plans to meet in January to plan an Observatory open house and lecture in March. He's looking to re-energize the Friends of Palomar Observatory with residents.
We need a treasurer now that Linda Thorne has retired. George Evangelou says he will do it.
Brenda Fromlath has agreed to be the wrangler.
It was suggested (**by who?) that the PMPO, Fire Dept, and Community Center work together on a new resident `welcome package': what you need to know, such as how to inform the Fire Dept of any health issues, how to identify your house, what your “easement number” means. John Lesac especially wants to have a consolidated community calendar available on-line and also inside the Post Office. Sue Hanson says she currently maintains a hand-made calendar at the Post Office and can help update one there if wanted. George Evangelou will look at how to set up such a consolidated calendar, perhaps using a Google Docs account.
The meeting was adjourned.
Next board meeting is 10:30 AM, February 13, 2016.
Michael Pique, Secretary (email:
Minutes approved by PMPO board NOT YET